Hiroki Kuroda (7-8, 3.74) vs. Hisanori Takahashi (7-4, 4.69).
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COMMENTS: Coupla interesting parallels going tonight. We have two large-market teams with similar underachieving records (Dodgers 50-45, Mets 49-46). We have two Japanese starters: one former Carp and one former Giant. Yomiuri Giants, that is. Did you know Yomiuri's mascot is an orange rabbit in the shape of their YG logo? This fella is known as the Giabbit.
Anyhoo, only one team is coming off a 14-inning loss — ha ha! — followed by an undoubtedly emotional plane ride into town. AccuScore gives the home team a whopping 70% chance of winning tonight. What could go wrong?
Furcal 6
Carroll 7
Ethier 9
Kemp 8
Blake 5
Loney 3
Belliard 4
Martin 2
Kuroda 1
Here we go!
I think Disney once made a movie about the bottom third of that batting order.
Actually I think it goes back further than that, Josh. The bottom third of that lineup was represented in the famous Disney film that featured a cartoon mouse whistling a tune as he blissfully steered a steamboat down an imaginary river.
Here we go.
Looks like Despair has been dropped in favor of Cautiously Optimistic.
Realm of Possibility is available if needed.
Manny is still fucked.
Ennui will be available to pinch-hit, though.
At the yard tonight. Mixed emotions.
Taking baby neeebs so at least daddy/daughter will have a good time.
Aww Belly again? Didn't we try that enough times already?
Repair should not be available to pitch tonight under any circumstance.
Padres lost 8-0 to the Braves
We've got our MSB batting second?
N is for Neville who died of ennui.
From Dodger Thoughts:
"Torre also said that Hong-Chih Kuo has been "lobbying" to pitch on back-to-back days, which helps explain why, for better or worse, he warmed up Wednesday. That being said, Kuo might be rested tonight, but Jonathan Broxton is available. "
Please rest Kuo!!
Ed Price mentioned the possibility of a J-Mac+others for B.J. Upton trade.
Is Blogger on crack mode or is everyone on Holiday
Crack mode, reporting in.
I want a crack holiday!
I second the crack holiday!
Kemp coming around?
yay ! maybe kemp wants a crack holiday too?
finally Kemp
@ Betsy
The more the merrier
Theo Ratliff and Matt Barnes
New Lakers
Crack is whack.
Say nope to dope and ugh to drugs.
Er, wack?
Hiro: 32 pitches through 3.
Hiro makes contact!
wow slow night at this watering hole
Everyone must be emotionally drained.
Martin nailed Reyes.
Russ with the cannon tonight!
Thanks to two perfect throws by Martin, Kuroda has retired the Mets in order so far.
Epale everyone!
I need a win tonight.
i can see the offense is still sucking.
didnt this guy shut us down in NY too?
Why we can't we hit this fool. Gameday says he's topping out at 89. Who is he,Maddux
Sorry guys, I'm a little jetlagged so I'm going to sleep now. Please just close up the bar when you're done and don't thrash the joint.
I don't think the 1-0 lead will hold up.
It will be enough, Sax.
Take a well deserved rest, I'll clean all the mess.
Too late, Sax.
Epale, you SOBs!
And hi, Karina!
I show up right when Sax leaves the bar to us.
*rubs hands, goes straight for the Oban*
Seems pert subdued, Sax. We'll see if we can't find some more runs before this is done.
And hi Betsy!
I want to believe Huron can strike Chris Carter out.
Pretty subdued, that is.
Mr. C politely requests a double play.
Thole is an amazing hitter, a natural,
I hope I've just jinxed him.
Chris Carter couldn't hit Huron if he fell out of a boat, Josh.
I will also accept a K.
Tenuous Grip has just been acquired for tonight's game.
Falling Production already batting 7th.
Racho Clearthepitcheriendo escaped!
Squeaky Bum Time warming in the 'pen.
Cc: Dusty.
at least we didn't give up no run s
A real 1B would have hit that for a homer.
I need some more space between the amount of runs we have been credited and the amount of runs that our opposition has obtained.
Neeebs is at the game. Did he say where he was sitting?
fucking belli2 can't even move the runner up, Turd
A real 1B would have stolen that base.
Neeebs is behind the plate with a face full of dodger dog.
Really dislike a CS before a walk.
I'm waking up here to say that Martin just hung Loney out to dry. a "hit and run" means you gotta swing, Russell.
Only two damn hits.
If we weren't winning I'd be concerned with this lack of offense.
Well, moreso.
Happy Bobbleslam Anniversary, everyone!
No shit?
Seems like way more than a year, frankly.
I knew it was around this date, but Vin just mentioned it in his b/t innings vignette.
Let's get back to this one...
DD and DD jr are at the game. Lots of decent pitching and mediocre swinging. Look for my report soon. DD jr did not like garlic fries...now considering a paternity test.
NY feed talking about a Flaming Menudo sighting at the Ravine?
Rival band The Sexual Camels will not be happy about this buzz.
The bobbleslam feels like a taunt now, mocking me for ever believing Manny could be anything more than an injury-prone, money-sucking leech.
Wright could injure someone flinging that giant brain bucket like that.
If you look closely Manny had his eyes closed when he hit that slam.
Great catch.
MVP Jamie up.
Oh, Vinny...you didn't just go "Angel in the outfield" pun, did you?
this must be what it was like watching giants games last year.
No offense.
DD- You need to put that kid in a time out for not liking garlic fries.
Still only 2 hits.
@Josh S 7:50 PM http://tinyurl.com/2bp6qqz
I love Keith Haring forever and ever.
I think DD jr has good instincts. Garlic fries can attract Giants fans.
The Mets left fielder is named chris carter?
Hell yeah on the Keith Haring. Loved his stuff.
someone needs to give Jobu some rum to wake up bats
Blake bringing the leather!
Spanky has Wright's helmet on.
I want to have your beard children, Casey Blake!
dewitt would have caught that.
Or it's just Grienke wearing a normal one.
Cc: db again. Gotta stop stealing your thunder...
This ump's zone is made for Kuroda.
If I've Thole you once, I've Thole you a hundred times...
I'm with ya, Mr. C!
Runs, now.
Ooh. That was a bit creepy.
finally another hit...
Yes, i am ungrateful.
epale everybody!
And Matty sends one out!!!
nice timinf if I do say so myself!
Up out dis bish!
Lackey with a no-hitter going up in Seattle
HA and there goes the no-no!
Lackey lost the no-no before your post, FB, so your jinx did not work.
I like it when the ball goes over the fence.
Beard don't like this dude
oh well
Holy cow a Kemp HR. I must be dreaming
Ronnie's good for an add-on homer
High socks cannot disguise your complete ineptitude, Belly2.
as tonight's official scorekeeper of the thread i will credit FB with the JInx.
FB - Jinx (2)
Wow. The Ms are really, really bad. They scoff at our recent losing streak.
Bench Belli2
FB - JInx 3 (Belliard pop up in the 7th, called HR)
Beli2 is getting dangerously close to hitting below the Anderson Line.
kuo again?! they made him warm up yesterday!!
hmmm i am doing too well with this jinx thing. maybe i should leave before our pen is in
Quick FB, say something about the stability of our ownership!!
Is Torre having flashbacks to his Yankee days and hallucinating Kuo as Joba, because that's what I think is happening.
I think Torre has Alzheimers. His arm is hanging by a thread Dipshit
Frank's gonna end up as owner when it's all said and done and, as a newly-single but cash-poor man, will bring an endless string of cougars to sit in his box for cheap date nights
Well, Elmer throws off my "only Asians allowed to pitch tonight" theory for why Kuo was warming.
*stands and claps for Hiro*
Kemp gave Kuroda San a bow.
uhoh GAARP is up, which guarantees a loss
Elmer looks japanese to me.
GAARP losses only happen when he does something productive so there is a good chance we can still win.
Gameday doesn't even have GAARP's average up. You know you're bad when computers see the futility of expressing how bad you are.
GAARP really busted it down the line there. Great leadership...
Stupid GAARP thought he hit into a DP so he didn't "hustle."
mmmmm i dont know if moving the runner over accidently counts as being productive.
@Nic does that count as "getting the runner over" or "nearly hit into double play"?
@FB - remember, you can never assume the double play.
haha Nic you beat me to it
@MLASF tell that to GAARP
I thought it was funny that the dodgers are holding on to GAARP to mentor and for veteran leadership.
All my angel friend fans used to complain about him being lazy.
I would, but that would be on the bottom of the long list of things I'd like to tell to GAARP.
stupid fools mess with the MSB.
So, uh, why no Broxton?
im hoping to score about six runs in this inning so we can just throw some chump out there to clean up the ninth.
we are chock full of chumps.
hehe nice, MLASF!
Didn't Jackie Robinson work for Chock Full O' Chumps?
@Josh, no he retired so he didnt have to go work for them. He went to work at some coffee place instead.
FB should be credited with that no-hitter jinx.
@Sax 9.18 - I planted that dream.
Good lord, they're batting to Andre?
I think I've said this before, but MSTI and Chad Moriyama are totally the Statler and Waldorf of Twitter during a game.
Come on Andre.
Hopefully Dre went to AAMCO and got his clutch fixed.
wait for it, Dre. he's gonna give it to you
(Nic said AAMCO.)
and that was it...
I hope he gives you another
KCAL fail.
whats wrong with kcal? mines fine.
Dre on the other hand is not fine.
HLACK coming in...
is it OK to be nervous?
Damn it Andre. Trade the bum to Boston.
Oh Dre.
You are one streaky mofo.
Repair Time!
Pray for his arm
Pancho Kuo looks good.
What elbow trouble?
I think I've said this before, but MSTI and Chad Moriyama: unfollow. I can't take it.
It was my cable. It froze during Dre's at-bat and came back during the break. My internet's still out.
cmon kid, throw those good strikes
Uh Kuo.
And now the DD is back home. That little guy can only party so long.
So much better listening to Vin than those 790AM dudes
I felt the breeze from here
Wilt is alive
The One Met who got to Third Base.
Tee Hee
Hey wait a minute, I thought we had Disappointment? Why is he on deck for the Mets?
One more
and we make fiesta!!
stop fouling off pitches!!
glass elbow!!
Have yet to open my Manny action figure. Don't tell DD Jr that I took it from him
Up and in Kuo
You're jam right!
2 in a row!
so who is going to drive in our two runs tomorrow?
Hooray for wins!
Back to back shut outs.
Good Pitching Man
My blood pressure has been dropping steadily since this time yesterday evening.
i had almost forgotten that you can have winning streaks too.
If we can head into SD trailing by 4 or fewer, I will be a happy man.
They gave Kemp's figure out for free as some kind of four person family pack deal. My attempts to acquire one with a party of two were alas unsuccessful.
Think Kemp had something to prove tonight - nobody likes to come free with hot dogs.
mine too, Steamboat Willie
We gained a game
Ah yeah. That's the good stuff!
So for the last two games, the starters have 17 innings, 0 ER, 10 hits, 3 BB, and 7 K. Not bad.
DD: Did Little D have his own ticket? I ask because they denied Little S a poster on ESB night because he was lap-sitting.
Lap dance, lap dan........oh, wait, you meant something else.
if you want to go back a little further you can say 17+ IP* scoreless.
*Kershaw pitched to one batter in the 7th
They basically gave my kid his own ticket - just cause. Though they said three and under didn't technically need one.
Holy shit i just ramdomly stumbled across i went to highschool with on the MiLB website. weird.
My powers remain intact.
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