Some of you puzzlers are better with the word puzzles. Some are better with the visual puzzles. Here's one with both!
Unscramble the image of Eric Gagne below in 35 moves or fewer. Then, well, solve the puzzle:
When you're in a close fought fight,
In for the save comes a brave knight,
Track his footsteps to the light,
Then take one last step to the right.

Hint #1 (1:06pm PT): It's about the journey, not the destination.
Hint #2 (5:15pm PT): The step referenced in the 4th line of the poem is different than the steps referenced in the 3rd line.
Puzzle Rules: The answer to the puzzle is a current or former Dodger (Eric Gagne is not the answer). Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:
- Email us with the first and last name of the Dodger player who is the answer, along with your reasoning (answers arrived at via luck or the wrong reasoning, even if correct, count for participation credit only). And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
- Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I may confirm correct answers there.
You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Solution will be posted tomorrow. Good luck!
*New to SoSG's PCS Puzzle Series? Here's how it works. Join the fun, all are welcome!
Does sliding multiple tiles in a row simultaneously count as 1 move?
How are you going to know how many moves it took us?
Golem - no, it counts as as many tiles that were moved.
Josh - Can't exactly explain right now how I will know, but I will...
Simple answer: EK is omniscient
Answer sent!
Josh, I can vouch for EK - he will know. :)
It only took me 38 moves to unscramble a picture of bears humping.
I sent a doubt, but now it's irrelevant. EK, please ignore me :)
Answer sent!
This is not a puzzle that I can sneakily work on at my desk. Gonna have to wait until later today to give it a shot.
I got it! It's Eric Gagne!
Whoops, did I just spoil it?
Both UBragg and drewdez are correct!:
1. UBragg
2. drewdez
Answer sent!
Congrats Mr C!
1. UBragg
2. drewdez
3. Mr Customer
Now I just have to hope for a ton of solvers. Where are you guys?
Oh, wait, that wasn't bears humping. I accidentally scrolled to the other post - it was Kemp and Loney celebrating the walkoff.
Latest DSBG Tweet:
"I like clean sheets."
I don't know if he's referencing soccer/football games in which a favored team holds an opponent to no goals scored, or if he just likes clean laundry.
Either way, he needs to step up his game and get back to DS because that little kid "Deuce" in LFP is stealing his thunder.
Both types of clean sheets are satisfactory, in my book.
Unscrambled the photo, but have no idea which current or former Dodger has that many Qs in his name...
@Mr. C: "Where are you guys?"
Slide puzzles are my Kryptonite. If you're planning one for the VORP finale, you and I are going to have words.
Nope, you're safe on that count. Though I do think it's just too brutal as it is right now. I'm considering some revisions.
@J Steve
Little-known fact: Calros Perez really spells his name with 7 silent "Qs".
Answer sent.
I've got nothing.
Answer sent, though I'm nervous about all these extra Q's lying around on the table...
Would you say it's a queue of Qs?
A few more in:
1. UBragg
2. drewdez
3. Mr Customer
4. Jason
5. Golem
DB - For some reason I'm unable to see the photo in the previous post. Is to worse than the Game Thread 99 photo?
It's the video of Kemp hunching on Loney. You probably can't see it since it's Flash-based, I'm guessing. Or you have some sort of parental filter built into your eye/brain function.
Hint posted
That's not only a hint, but a good Zen lesson for the day.
BTW: Rox lose! Rox lose!
Belli is back throwing but no timetable for his return. Guess he's sobered up enough to throw straight.
Obtaining this fact did not put me any closer to solving the puzzle, though.
I sent progress, but I'm so lost that I don't think verification is going to help...
Just here to collect 10 points...
Dust Brothers in tha house...
We need Dusty Baker's Toothpick to check in, too. RB, mention him and see if he shows up.
For one reason or another, I have not been in a puzzly mood lately =/
Sorry J Steve, I've been in a meeting...will check out your email shortly...
Anyone still working? Another hint?
I think I have to sit this one out. Maybe if I finish the chores and such I need to do tonight I'll give it a shot, but right now my motivation to do the puzzle is too low to be willing to procrastinate with other things.
I've always liked Dusty Baker's Toothpick.
As for the puzzle; I'd like to buy a vowel.
I added a was the best one I could think of.
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