Carlos Monasterios (3-2, 3.61) vs. Mike Pelfrey (10-5, 4.01).
COMMENTS: Pressure's on, Carlosterios. The classic Dodger formula of great starting pitching and barely-there offense has yielded two wins in their past three games. Unfortunately, according to, Monasterios' ERA "as a reliever is almost four runs lower" than his ERA as a starter, so this could be a lopsided affair if the Dodgers' bats don't emerge from deep freeze. (You thaw what I did there?)
1 – 200 of 229 Newer› Newest»If anyone saw the game on tv last night, that was me hoisting reyes' faoul ball in the 8th inning.
*foul ball. I was sitting on the 3rd base side in the Loge section.
Furcal 6
Paul 9
Kemp 8
Loney 3
DeWitt 4
Blake 5
Anderson 7
Ausmus 2
Monasterios 1
Yep, that's the lineup to break out of the offensive slump.
You still da man, Booger!
What a shittastic lineup to put out there on a Saturday afternoon. And they're wondering why more butts aren't in seats?? If I had paid for this, I'd be pissed off.
Hell, I'm pissed off and I'm not out one cent.
Is your cable working now, Josh?
Ethier feeling a little exhausted from not hitting?
All that swinging and missing tires one out. Whiffing = exercise.
After reading the fine piece regarding the Divorce, I find myself wrestling with going to another game and plunking down $15 for parking, let alone the food prices.
Coming in from OC, I need to factor all that in with the drive time and having 3 kids to tow (the eldest, not much of a baseball fan). I am glad to see they brought back the family 4 pack, but hell, that parking kills.
But the fans in the RFP enjoyed the cool breeze.
Heading off to Angelo's in Anaheim to watch the start of this one.
32 oz. beer? $4.75
Ah yeah!
@DB: Cable is working for now, but it's a Saturday game on FOX, so I fully anticipate it breaking down again.
I need to check out Angelo's sometime with you.
On the other hand, I might get too mouthy around some of the Angels fools who must hang out there.
Actually, I'm pretty sure I would.
The cable, or the bullpen?
This is Monny's SEVENTH start? That seems like a lot.
Yay! No Buck! This guy sucks too, though.
Anyone know how many HRs A-Rod has? I'm having trouble finding any news or information on this.
Organizational Future gets out of the jam.
Why doesn't Johnny Damon want the senior prom for senior citizens? He'd have such a good time!
Eric Karros played at Dodger Stadium? No way!
That's ok, Reyes, someone else will get the ball.
No sun excuses.
@DB 1:11 - haven't heard. By the way has LeBron picked a team yet?
Leadoff man on.
I *heart* you, Raffy!
I'm glad Torre didn't sit Raffy today!
Hooray for blindness!
And hooray for bad throws to first!
Apparently the sun being bright is a problem at a lot of stadiums.
Josh, don't bother Raffy. I'm making sweet, sweet love with him.
Nice run manufacturation
FOX's own MSB Ken Rosenthal on the field with some crack reporting.
Hooray for sac flies!
I'll take it!
Hooray for bloop shots!
If they don't get a 2nd run out of this...
Hooray for hard-hit singles!
Even if it should have been a homer.
urg, there ya go
I hope he's that hittable all day today.
Way to kill the rally, guys with Blake in your name.
...then what, EK?
I got up off the sofa too fast on the 3rd out, knocking over my plate of lunch. I know a very happy little pug who just had a homemade taco salad.
Score runs? Important in baseball? What sport are you watching, Karros?
...then I'm gonna eat some salted almonds.
FYI I'm making good on my threat as we speak.
If Torre really wanted to get first and second yesterday he wouldn't have put Belly2 in to hit.
That replay made it look like Bay was overselling the collision last night.
Mono stereo, 27 pitches through two
GAARP really put some muscle into that one. He almost cleared the pitcher's mound.
"Jason Bay in left field is surprisingly deep for Anderson" says Steiner.
GAARP hits a comebacker for an out.
Christ, I hate when GAARP ducks out of the way of a called strike. He looks like an idiot. (Y'know, more than usual.)
The 40 year old catcher who hasn't played for three months makes better contact than GAARP.
How did Reyes get from first to third on a ground out to Furcal?
Eric Karros hates you, Reyes.
Sax: Ran like hell and Loney's throw was late. Karros gave Reyes shit for trying it for the whole rest of the inning.
This poor play has me turning up Snoop videos instead of paying attention. Oh my:
Oh, and he ran on the pitch, too.
Stupid sexy Wright.
I forgot we were actually ahead by 1 run. It seems like we're losing.
Patience DB. We'll be losing soon enough.
Monstercheerios' first major league balk. He should get to keep the ball.
Amazed they didn't test GAARP's Pierre-like arm.
This doesn't look good.
Oh look, Honeycutt's going to the mound. Something good is certain to happen now.
Nice K.
And I certainly was not being sarcastic. No sir.
Blake DeWitt impersonator behind home plate.
Beard fail.
Current top 5 most annoying commercials:
1) MetroPCS
2) Olive Garden
3) The one where little kids are singing the national anthem really shitty and high-pitched
4) State Farm/girls conjuring ideal agent
5) Firestone/people singing about "fire and stone"
Ausmus to GAARP: THAT'S how you hit it out of the infield!
Torre can never take the title of dumbest manager as long as Manuel does things like intentionally walking GAARP.
They're playing Safety Dance for the exit to commercial music.
DB: I'd take a million of all those ads if it mean I never had to hear another KABC radio commercial.
State Farm insurance clearly gives one magical powers.
Hey, Aussum single!
State Farm also gives you the power to kidnap your hot female neighbor. Good message.
Mrs Dusty (re co-worker of mine I just told her was having twins): What is she having, boys or girls?
Dusty (distracted): Uhhh....what were my choices again?
Going over the rules it possible to score more runs than the other team but still lose?
Why would they do such a thing?
Mrs Dusty (reading "Pasadena" magazine): Pasadena Baking Company...hmmm...says they make wedding cakes for Dodger Stadium.
Dusty: They have weddings at Dodger Stadium?
Mrs Dusty: I guess so.
Dusty: Can we get divorced and then re-married and then have our wedding there?
#6 annoying commcerial:
Any truck commercial that shows pictures of rugged people doing thankless tasks that involve their truck.
I get it. Your trucks help one perform tasks and often match the personality of the owner of said truck.
Get a new schtick.
Do they make wedding cakes of Dodger Stadium?
Aged useless catcher, 1 for his last 21, drives in Mets' 1st run.
Get Young Mc the fuck out of there. He just isn't MLB material at this point.
Please, anything but spiraling bullpen death.
They do make wedding cakes of Dodger Stadium, but you have to stand in a really long line just to get a slice.
JMac is getting dangerously close to AAAA pitcher territory.
I am getting dangeroulsy - perilously I say - close to opening another Dos XX.
Agree w JTash's decision just to flip to Ausmus. Safety first.
Maybe that's why they were playing Safety Dance earlier.
We all know what's coming here...
Can we just get Jansen in there already? Jeez.
Should I-
a)drink a beer
b)make a gin and tonic
c) all of the above
Apparently not.
From the crowd reaction, I guess this game is being played at Citi Field.
Wow. A rerun of last night.
Has Trashner gotten an out yet?
It's tied, but we're losing.
One pitch, two outs.
Now our omnipotent offense will take back the lead!
Oh, THERE'S Kenley.
He better get one-pitch strikeouts to be worth the hype.
Little known fact, if our crappy bullpen pitched to our crappy lineup it would create a black holethat would swallow the earth.
I will present that conundrum to some Cal Tech friends and have them work up some theories. It will take some of the best theoretical physics minds we have.
"Jansen" doesn't lend itself to easy nicknaming, does it?
"Trashner" was easy.
Somewhere stathead Dodger fans just wet themselves.
Mission Complete, Agent Oranje!!!!
I heard "Blue Curaçao" somewhere else. I like it, but it reminds me of a certain fatass.
Reminds of a beachside beverage.
Agent Oranje, his stuff is deadly.
I betcha Jansen hits better than Belliard.
Come on, Belly2. This is your chance.
*stopped clock right twice a day*
I betcha Karina hits better than Belliard.
Ned should have negotiated a contract with Belly2 that said he had to be able to BAT at least .209, not weigh that much or less.
I'm afraid Kuo is going to overthrow it and his elbow is going to land on my lawn.
Kuo again?
I betcha Stephen Hawking hits better than Belliard.
We could have Hawking bat AND get his take on Nic's conundrum!
Hawking's wheelchair could hit better than Belliard.
I wake up and it's 2-2? Ugh.
Kuo pitching and an ad for Taiwan on the backstop? Coincidence, or marketing genius?
I'm not getting any less thirsty, people. Hurry up and vote!
Belliard is fat and free swinging. I'm surprised the Giants didn't give him $100 million.
At least the Rox are losing badly.
I want a mini-giraffe.
Voting for what now?
@Mr F
My next drink.
Voting is closed, however. I went with gin/tonic.
You bunch of apathetic voters will have to be happy with the decisions I made; you have to participate to change things!
Yes I can!
Who is this guy in to pitch for us?
Brox almost seems scared these days. Like he just wants to nibble around the plate and not challenge batters. That, or he just can't find the plate.
When I went to this series last year there were no mets fans at all.
Wrap this up, dudes. I have a squirrely baby who I need to take outside for a while.
(On errands. Not to use the bathroom like a dog or anything.)
I get playing the I am iron man guitar riff after broxton gets an out. When they play it after a sac bunt it just seems stupid though.
I'm getting squirrely, too, Josh. Maybe I need to go mess around on the patio.
Kenley Jansen is the top trending topic in Los Angeles on Twitter.
Well, he WAS, anyway. I should have taken a screenshot.
[Broxton/plate joke here reflecting his lack of control and his tendency to eat a lot]
It IS a big deal to walk someone, Karros. Getting him out would be preferable.
Yay Well-Fed Man!
Yay! Brox got him!!!
Oh shit we still have to score.
Exactly, Josh. Or, say, just a hypothetical, not walking the leadoff batter on four pitches in the first place.
Strange. I thought Broxton did not have balls. And yet he strikes out the best 3B in the NL.
Who's due up?
Stephen Hawking?
Get 'dre in there, see if he remembers hoe it's done.
Great, we're getting into the Steamboat Willie part of our lineup.
Is Casey striking out with GAARP on deck the same as hitting into a DP?
Almost got it past the dirt, GAARP.
I saw Dre with a bat. I am apparently on acid.
Torre just won his dumbest manager title back.
I'd just like to point out the the collective age in that inning was over 100.
Dre watches while three fifty-year-old dudes flail all over the place and now Broxton's back in.
Yeah, it's time to go on those errands.
The only positive I can draw from the last few days of bullpen struggles is that I've gotten a good view of the shrubbery used around the edges. I'm going to buy some of the same stuff and use it in a landscaping project I'm "working" on around my patio.
I believe it is podocarpus macrophyllus.
Podocarpus macrophyllus is also an ailment Kevin Brown once claimed during his time with the Dodgers.
Bay looks a little like the guy from "Saw"
EK is awfully surly in the booth today.
Not ideal.
I guess it's not just old guys who flail away.
If we're using up our entire bullpen and they haven't blown the game (yet), we really need to win.
Kemp gets aboard.
Josh is probably already back from his errands and childcare and the game still isn't over.
Kemp will get thrown out or picked off.
This game won't end.
^Jinx or prediction...either way, blech.
Why the are we trying to steal in Blanco? The only reason he is still playing is because he has a cannon for an arm.
Just another Kemp fail.
Seems like we are being set up for a massive #Foxfail.
Blake, GAARP, and Aussum. Oy. Blake needs to get on base so Aussum won't come up with the bases empty and 2 outs.
Greetins from Cancun.
Looks like nothings change. At least I have a decent view and an internet connection.
It took a 12 inning game to make torre use a sac bunt.
Someone fails bigger than Anderson.
I'm thinking Ausmus should have been left in to bat.
Old friend Elmer throws us a bone!
No force play, then.
Double A, beep beep, MCO
This would be the time.
It's Ollie Perez.
WIld pitch walk off.
Breezy Lite coming in.
Please win the game Andre.
Epale, Neeebs!
That was not ideal.
Well, would be the first risp we've stranded...
Help us MSB. You're our only hope.
Here we go walk off walk.
Good PH decision. I like this. Just dink a little MSB-ball through.
No one but you-know-who in the pen. It's clutch or nothing.
Nuts to this. I have better things to do with my time.
No I don't. le sigh
Guy on third with no outs.
Isn't that like a 90% chance of scoring?
No you don't, MLASF. None of us does.
Game over is in
"Happy Father's Day Art!" on the stadium ribbon board? Wasn't that last month?
A root canal is looking like a better option to this game right about now.
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