Chad Billingsley (8-5, 4.22) vs. Jon Garland (9-6, 3.61).
99 games seems to be the right amount of time to assess where we're headed, as we enter the final two months of the season. Last year, we were 62-37, in first place up eight games. The year before, we were 49-50 and tied for first. Both years, we went on to win the division outright and won our first round of the playoffs. This year, we're 53-46--roughly splitting the difference--but our third place standing six games out of first doesn't feel like we're going to make a playoff run. But with a three-game series on tap in San Diego, if this postseason run is going to happen for us, it's going to have to start here.
Bills is coming off his first complete game in two seasons, while former Dodger Garland is coming off a five-inning no decision to the Braves, which included a four-run third inning. Our offense was impotent against the Mets at home--scoring only seven runs in four games (one of which took extra innings), but we strangely eked out three wins despite being outscored in the series. The Padres, as strange as it sounds, will not just [oaken]fold over here, so we'd better we come out of a day off ready to rock. Ready, steady, go!
1 – 200 of 313 Newer› Newest»Furcal
Proper Blake-DeWitt lineup order. This will restore balance to the offense. I'm not joking.
Here we go!
Yet again.
Much like Oakenfold, I think the Padres are overrated.
Oakenfold? Damn, I'll have to buy some glow-sticks on my way home...
I know the whole "six games behind San Diego" mantra is pretty popular, but don't forget we have a pretty good shot at the wild card. Only three back of the Giants in that race.
Ahhhhh....all is right with the world now that "Blake" and "DeWitt" have been restored to their proper place in space and time.
I'm sensing good karma. I have a really good feeling about tonight's game. Let's hope my instincts are right.
Love the avatar, DB.
Looks like the role of Ethier in tonight's lineup may be played by the living, breathing 4-3 groundout.
Damn it all.
Son of a bitch. I'm on my phone. If someone wants to post the correct lineup, you can have credit.
Furcal 6
Paul 9
Kemp 8
Loney 3
Blake 5
DeWitt 4
Anderson 7
Martin 2
Billingsley 1
Furcal 6
Paul 9
Kemp 8
Loney 3
Blake 5
DeWitt 4
The desiccated corpse of GA 7
Martin 2
Billingsley 1
Running to get a beer from the fridge, Vinny!
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen
Lets all buckle our seatbelts
Hi Karen
Let's hope tonight's ride isn't too bumpy.
@Karen, MB
I feel like I'm riding in the bed of a pickup truck tonight...no seatbelt available and in obvious violation of the law.
We just aren't very good at base stealing, are we?
We've already hit a couple of small bumps. Dusty, hang on. It could be one helluva ride.
Hi MB!
I brought my good karma! Let's hope you're instincts are on tonight.
Hey Peeps! Whats the Haps?
Gotta look on gameday until I get a stream from somewheres(no Kcal on the dish)
Nice inning for Bills.
If Karina joins us we will be sure to have even better karma. In Texas as we say, here's to good mojo!
We Need MOJO!
Epale everyone!
Good inning from Chad
DB if we get pulled over, toss the empties!
Mets had lots of MOJO (8 runs of it) vs Wainright and St Louis tonight. Maybe that's a good sign for us
Epale Fred, is it going to be a slivovitz night?
we have two pitchers batting tonight?!
Hey, I'm looking a bit Southeast and I think I see Karina.
Damn I hope the boys win tonight.
@MB I hope not! That'll depend on our friends in the road greys
Good old GAARP
I hope the strong outings by our starters represent a developing trend.
Neeebs you down in the far southland?
There are already a LOT of empties.
Good mojo with no bad juju.
(I needed to say that for RB)
@DB flip down the tailgate and let them bounce out as we go
@DB it's cool as long as you don't hit somebody else's cattle
Sit down Fool!
Gwynn's got the Kimbo beard going.
Dammit Russ pay attention.
@Tony Jr, it's a little early to grow a playoff beard
and the wrong sport
Not only do we not steal bases very well, we also don't do a good job of keeping the opposing team from doing so.
that was strike 3 on the previous pitch
Legal or not there are gunracks/guns in the back of pickups if they are not already in consoles, glove boxes,purses, or all the above.
Fred is right, you never shoot the cattle. Heck, if you hit a person you worry about the consequences later. If is blatant the state motto is "just try em and fry em".
"when you get deep inside the Padres, you find lots of good things"
Right...in AR I remember one could have guns on racks visible and unloaded...but one could never shoot FROM the vehicle (especially while hunting).
In TN, one can carry concealed weapons into churches legally now. *sigh*
Fuck yeah, Bills. That was a strong,confident grown-up pitch to get out of the inning. Well done, son!
It was all a ruse to get the pitcher to lead off the next inning.
that was the pitch that should have struck out Gwynn
damn umps are bloated on fish tacos
I think Sharon Tay's nose may be even narrower than usual tonight.
@FB re fish tacos
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
What if we shoot the cattle with the intent to eat?
Kershaw gets the good seats!
Headley's got a little MSB leg kick when he throws
There is certain protocol. You do not shoot the cattle, you take them to get butchered. Shooting vermin and sometimes people is viewed as a whole different matter. We are a twisted state. What can I say?
that was NOT a strike
That did not look like a strike on Raffy
Strike 3? MMmmmm....
Better call that a strike the other way, too, the rest of the game.
This ump's zone is far from consistent. If that's a strike, Gwynn should have gone down looking as well.
Guess I can't do a Ted Nugent and go all gung ho for steaks with a AK
Man our offense really fucking blows.
John Garland hustles as much as GAARP
i wonder how much barf is in that sandbox
Despite what we've seen I am still confident we will pull it off. Either that or the alcohol is beginning to make me delusional.
Many, many reasons not to do a Ted Nugent.
Hang it over the side of the truck son.
Be sure to throw your empties out of the window in case we get pulled over.
nice, Casey!
Good play by Casey
Vin just said "acid test." Somewhere, Ken Kesey is giggling.
Let's hope I haven't lost my charm. If my reaction isn't fast enough maybe I can talk my way out of it. It wouldn't be the first time : )
@MB if Dusty didn't have have his gunrack in the way, you could just toss your cans through the sliding window
Sorry to disappoint. Despite being a Texas girl and half German, I don't drink beer unless it is pure desperation. I will be the one tossing a bottle.
Come on Loney!
KKemps strikeout did not look to good on gameday
Garland made both Kemp and Loney look foolish.
What is this?
A strikeout contest
When did garlands changeup get so good?
Lousy shift.
Let's hope that Chadley thinks so.
This isn't good.
Headley tried to do a Houston Street on Bills
I'm sorry, I missed something.
What are we supposed to be shooting?
Get your shit together Thighboy
C'mon Bills, settle down
@Mr. C
The ump.
Stupid sexy armpit.
Were Doomed
Holy balls, that was close.
DeOut at the plate!!
That was a close one.
Come on people it's a bump. We can pull it off. Pop open another or take a shot and hang on for the ride!
I dare say we might have a chance at escaping damage.
I think we're legally allowed ti shoot anything that might be construed as a varmit, and Eckstein is right there on the cusp.
Whew...Team Blue gets out of a mess!
SUCK IT, MSB 2.0!!!
Chuy hates the Padres.
Bill Plaschke still thinks Bills lacks balls.
It's beginning to feel like we are not even trying on offense.
I missed the pregame. What's the deal with Dre?
it's a grind and we gotta keep grindin
@FB Dre has the flu
Lost on the mix of Furcal's hot bat: his gold glove.
thanks, karen. I hope comes back feeling good and with his hitting shoes polished
Stomach flu according to Dodgers website.
Good inning for Bills
Vin digging deep into the media guide to talk about Vincent Denorfia
Come on Blue. Show us that you want to win........ MOJO!
No bad juju!
Yay for Karina's son!!
Base hit, keep it up!
Good for you Gonzalez!
/Nelson Muntz
Cmon Raffy, release the Kraken!
shorten that swing Raffy, we just want a single
a one-armed Kraken
Put it where they ain't, Raffy.
Not where they ain't
Damn, hit it right on the screws.
Ok, that's creepy. Wrote that without seeing your comment.
Seriously torre needs to start moving runners over. We are scuffling bad and he keeps just waiting for Jeter to come up and get the big hit.
don't be afraid to take the walk, X
cmon Matty, just a single
What are the odds of three straight full counts that result in outs?
Very high, apparently.
Matty on a strikeout tear
Of Course.
not even close
he made up his mind to swing as soon as the previous pitch was called a ball
I wish Garland threw that changeup more often last year.
Our offense is offensive.
Fuck!!! Why can't Kemp be as good as he thinks he is???
Joe, Ned, and Frank created this Garland monster.
They're still playing with the shift. Because that worked out swimmingly last time.
stupid bullpen
I want a national league manager next year. We seriously can't just wait around for a big hit.
Raffy was moving on that one!
I like your observation about moving runners over, Nic. Ethier is out, Kemp is stinking, Blake blows hot and cold, Karina's son is in a foster home; there's not a ton of power. Play some small ball, manufacture some runs, get the offense going. It's the equivalent of push a manual shift car down the road and then popping the clutch to start it.
no excuse for that
Bills was thinking "Screw it, i don't feel like giving up a hit to you, Yorvit."
Nice work. Can we score now?
jeez Vin, don't taunt them about their batting averages
Pod Rays fans have worse depth perception that Dodgers fans do when it comes to not knowing if a ball hit in the air is going for a HR -- or a weak popup to shallow right center.
@ Mr. C-
That needs to wait until after the game is over.
Who's driving now? I need a Mountain Dew to mix with my illegally-obtained, cheap tequila. Can we stop at Sonic?
Padres rocking the Gloria Estefan between innings
You underestimate my multi-tasking abilities.
@DB "illegally-obtained tequila" - you made it yourself? Or did you steal a bottle when the bartender wasn't looking?
this is garlands best start in two months.
Blakey D went down to get that one
GAAARP to ground out
what just happened there?
I'm watching Executive Decision on TV while watching the game on mlb.tv. The airline of the hijacked plane is Oceanic! I bet it's flight 815.
I swear his eyes were closed.
Well that cinches it, we're going to lose if GAARP is getting hits.
Wha Wha What
these acid flashbacks are no good. it looked like GAARP singled there
Chadley's B.A. is only 50 points lower than GAARPS
Weirdly, I wish Bills was hitting for himself.
cmon Dre! barf up a lung and hit a bases-clearing double!
Andre Areiendo!!!!!
Come on Andre make Garland have the shits too!!
Is it just me or could Dre have jacked that first pitch the fuck all the way to Portland?
@Josh, yeah I am 50-50 with this
My boy E!
Fuck ya!!! You all forgot about Dre!!!
YES DRE!!!!!!
Is there a worm in it? Fred, maybe it's time for Slivovitz. I might be breaking out the Goldschlager. At this point, who the hell cares who is driving.
Am I hallucinating or is that Dre?
We need shots of good karma. We can still prevail.
Run Batted Imodium
@FB re flashbacks
See my Ken Kesey reference above.
Yeah Baby
hehe Dre don't look so good standing there on first
I've got the boogie woogie flu, now!
We can actually win! Hooray!
"Run Batted Imodium"
Rich, Josh.
@DB maybe we are on a painted bus instead of a pickup truck. And who is that dude juggling axes?
MOJO has struck!
Actually, Runs Batted In sufficient in itself.
You're either on the bus or off the bus, FB!
I still don't quite follow Vin's "each game is worth two" logic. I mean, I kind of do, but not really.
Who's warming in the pen
@MB I will take a swig of sliv if we win, and if we blow this, I will take two
You almost killed me and saved my life on the same night.
party at the Moontower!
nice work Dre!
now clench those cheeks and hustle back to the clubhouse!
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