Vicente Padilla (2-2, 5.05) vs. Chris Volstad (4-7, 4.45).
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COMMENTS: Do you want to know the terrifying truth? Or do you want to ogle some Marlins Mermaids?
1: Marc Serota/Getty Images
Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general.
4/3 vs. SF (W, 5-4): Sax
4/15 vs. WSH (L, 4-6): Dusty, Orel, Sax
5/6 vs. MIA (W, 6-3): AC, Sax
5/16 vs. CIN (L, 2-7): AC, Sax
6/12 vs. TEX (L, 2-3): Sax
7/5 vs. MIL (W, 8-5): Sax
7/21 vs. BOS (W, 9-6): Sax
7/24 vs. SF (L, 3-8): Sax
8/24 vs. TB (L, 8-9 (10)): Sax
8/29 vs. BAL (W, 6-3): Orel, Sax
9/9 vs. CHC (L, 4-10): Sax
10/5 NLDS G1 vs. SD (W, 7-5): Sax
10/6 NLDS G2 vs. SD (L, 2-10): Orel, Sax
10/25 WS G1 vs. NYY (W, 6-3 (10)): Sax
1 – 200 of 294 Newer› Newest»Furcal
I wonder how the Dodgers do when you post mermaids pics on Game Threads.
Josh, do you have a spreadsheet on mermaid GT posts?
That's an impressive display! I think that the disembodied hand in photo #2 is somewhat terrifying, though.
Speaking of which, I'll probably drop by the Hooters in Burbank to see LA Sports Live tomorrow.
Mermaid spread what now?
A lot of pent-up anxiety from not being able to post yesterday, I see.
Right, Mr. C. I need to let this shit OUT, man!
*howls at the moon*
where is glenda?
I demand Manatees.
Using the Marlins tag, I only found one other GT with Mermaids pics (from earlier this season). A few PGTs, and lots of posts ABOUT the Mermaids, but one solitary GT.
So, the record stands at 0-1.
I was going to say something articulate and insightful, but I forgot.
How 'bout those Mermaids?
@Josh I stopped watching Notting Hill to do some research and this is what I found:
When the Mermaids appear, the Dodgers have one win and two losses. When the Manatees grace the posts of this blog, the Dodgers have one win and no losses.
Way is clear and numbers don't lie, gentlemen.
My bad, I counted PGTs.
Go Nats! And mean it even more than usual given that they are playing Pod Rays.
Something about a photo of three smiling mermaids stuffed in a locker enchants me.
And is that their road oranges they're wearing or are they honoring the Netherlands' win?
@karina 4:32 PM -
That suggests that in times of sorrow we look to the Mermaids for comfort yet in times of joy we prefer to celebrate with the Manatees.
The team with the lowest attendance rates in baseball is also the only team to employ a dance squad.
Yes. Yes, it is.
EK in a Game Thread? Cats and dogs, living together!
EK mentioned the Netherlands. Perhaps he thinks this is the World Cup thread.
If they comfort all of you in times of sorrow, let the mermaids be.
what do we have the girls to take comfort in?
@Josh the dutch soccer team deserve praise everywhere.
That GT does nothing for me! Where's the eye candy for Karina, me and the rest of the ladies?
What, are we not worthy enough? You have us and our plentiful banter and wit. Throw in a snark or two as well. Hell some of us are practically bilingual too!
I've noticed a trend. I only seem to post in game threads when I'm out of town.
On a possibly related note, I'm in Texas. Today's note from Texas: Rangers games are apparently on FM radio, not AM.
No guays left in the World Cup? What is a guay to do?
Yesterday I missed a Dusty tribute to Fresnans or at least this Fresnan and a Dusty Gin Song.
Damn you Blogger!!!
At least I didn't miss a free Flaming Menudos concert.
I might elaborate on the gin song and re-post in its enhanced form at a later time.
@Neeebs if it wasn't for your banter, wit and snark, we wouldn't bother to come back every day. I adore all of you!
@Karen Joe Mauer has graced this blog. In fact, I asked for him in the campaign and got his picture. Suggest some eye candy! (if you're reading this, Betsy, I encourage to do the same)
I'll support whatever you decide. If you want more confidence, search for older Mermaids posts. Very funny comments, I admit, but one feels left out :(
Epale karen! (and everyone else!)
Why is CC Sabathia being replaced by Jered Weaver in the ASG? (Other than he deserves it.)
Is CC pitching on Sunday?
Holy shit is this new pitcher rule ever dumb!
Weaver is replacing CC because CC is scheduled to pitch on Sunday. BUT...Weaver is also scheduled to pitch Sunday, so Girardi will need to name someone else. Weaver was named just to be named. (Plus he gets a 50,000 dollar All-Star bonus.)
I think the prettiest boy out there is Andre Either. I vote for a Dre thread, what do you think?
Congratulations, Jered, enjoy your $50K bonus!
Put up a picture of Merman for Karen.
I heard Flaming Menudos are headlining Ozzfest.
It's good to see XP back in the starting lineup.
I blame yesterday on Mexican food and the conundrum.
Had to get all that in before Blogger takes a crap again.
p.s. pictures of cheerleaders in lockers is muy caliente.
Time to kick some NL East ass
Can I just say I hate Cody Ross. And pretty much anyone named Cody.*
*Unless anyone who posts here is so named, in which case I don't hate you and I apologize.
VPad is already sweating like...Sax.
Tad early for a plunking, no?
Nice throw Russ
It's never too early for a plunking or a beer, Josh.
That CS was a bailout. I hope Battletoad settles down.
VPad will be fine. He just had to calibrate.
Epale, everyone!
Made it home from work in time to actually be watching in real time.
Volstad is one big ugly mug.
Plus, Volstad reminds me of the Volstead Act.
I beat Vinny to the punch re Volstead!
Vin will pop into this GT and say "DAMMIT"
God dammit, Blake. You can't watch that go by with a runner ISP.
Nice spear by Kemp.
Wait a minute, is Blogger down again? Or is everyone gone?
Thank heavens i'm not alone!
Testing, 1...2...3
Vin: "DARNIT!"
Ain't no party like a blogger party cause a blogger party don't start!!!
I don't know but my Safari keeps closing itself :(
Karina, I'm convinced your Safari is haunted. That is my technical assessment.
I thought it was a Scranton party that doesn't stop.
What version of this haunted Safari are you running? I'm using Version 5.0 (6533.16) and it's flawless. Mostly.
A Scranton party doesn't stop blogger parties are hard to start or continue or finish.
@Dusty Baker I upgraded when I was told to. I don't know if it has to do that I'm working on Illustrator and Photoshop at the same time.
Raffy this is a wonderful time for RBIs
The Adventures of the Sons of Steve Garvey Volume 22: The curse of the Safari ghost.
Spoiler alert: The Ghost is a Giants fan.
I'm guessing it has a LOT to do with that, as both of those take up a lot of memory.
@Karen I support whatever you want! but I'll refrain about discussing the attractiveness of any Dodgers player.
Furcal you are the awesome. Curse me for cursing you early this year and last year and the year before that.
LFP gets a Kemp gift!!!
I'm liking this pitcher!
"Half way up the pavillion" Vin
We could say that about everyone, from time to time.
@Dusty Baker I think I have enough RAM memory, but I'm working on large files.
Josh, did Kemp's bomb land on your doorstep?
sweet jesus he crushed that
Ramiro, Vin?
One thing I've noticed re Safari is that if you leave it open for a long time, the memory it's using grows. Closing it and waiting a few seconds before re-opening will clear this out. I have this problem b/c I usually have a lot of tabs open and if I want to remember to read an article, I just leave that tab open. Doing so overnight or a long period of time eats up a lot of memory.
It says 49 comments on the outside, but 83 on the inside. Oh Blogger, you toy with our hearts.
4-0 Dodgers! Whoo hoo!
Kuo wearing a poncho just cracks me up every time I see it.
Blogger can toy with my ass.
If you'll forgive the IT talk in the GT, Abobe programs are notoriously memory-hungry. On PC version, you can change the "scratch disk" settings. I don't know the Mac equivalent, if there is one.
@Dusty Baker I think you're right. I had a video to watch later, because it runs 76 minutes and had that tab open all day long.
So, how nasty is VPad? or the Marlins want to go to bed early?
Thanks for listening to the constructive comments I had for you earlier in the GT, Casey!
Bordering on a beatdown. Keep it coming.
Damn! I just got home from the market and missed Beard's homer while I was rewinding to see Kemp's.
Cards whacking the Rox, per VIn. And per the scoreboard I just looked at.
Thanks, Mr C. I'll try to find the equivalent on Mac...if I can remember what "disk scratch" is.
Thank you very much to both.
Oh XP...
GAARP could have done that.
This conversation makes me want to scratch some vinyl.
@Mr LASF but we can count on XP to have decent at bats
MSTI is complaining about Xavier Paul in Twitter too.
It was that bad?
No, it wasn't that bad at all. Some of those whiners need to just calm down. It's the time of day where there's weird light and it's understandable that X lost the ball.
Sent you a link.
I just ran into my wall.
DB you gonna break out the SP1200s?
damn you Cody Ross, get out already
I hate you, Cody Ross.
I walked away and he was still at the plate when I returned. Go away, Cody!
there we go
OK lets give VP some time to rest with a long bottom of the inning
No damage! I'll take it!
One question: it's almost 9 pm and it's still sunny in LA?
Actually, it's a bit past 8:30, as the time stamps will tell you, and the sky is a very dark blue.
If you going to use California Sun All Star people at least use the Ramones cover
No more Volstad.
it's after 11:30 and it's still 91 in New York
"No more Volstad."
So we can drink now?
Volstad Act: repealed!
New York has been freakishly warm lately.
Speaking of freakish weather, this was my view of Downtown L.A. from my office parking lot this morning.
I'm not in front of my TV at the moment...DeWitt stole a base?
Come on Kemp. Eye of the Bison baby.
That's funny b/c back in April I took a similar shot with the same app (posted here: http://span.posterous.com/15473224)
Technically he didn't steal it because he was out, but we'll take it. So yes, a stolen base.
Huh? Gameday says he stole it.
Ah, well, doesn't matter now.
Why does the Andre figure fart?
While you all have been distracted by Mermaids, I've snuck up a post recapping last night's Q&A with Ned Colletti.
I'm sorry - I was not clear. He appeared to be out but was called safe, so yes he stole it.
Only you erudite gentlemen would reference prohibition in a GT.
Let's go, V-Pad
clap, clap, clap clap clap
Speaking of Pads, Pods lost to Nats on a walkoff Zimmerman HR.
Going to vote for him and Konerko another 100 times now.
We've been cheating.
I didn't cheat! I mentioned it before Vinny did.
Nah, I heard Vin reference it too. I just wanted to give you guys the cred'.
That's our All Star right fielder there!
My boy E!!!
Boom Dre!
Third HR of the game
why couldnt this have happened last night?
This is plenty for the Battletoad.
Shot of Ackbar in the dugout there, makes me worry about why the Fish have spotted us six runs...
It's a trap!
Prepare yourselves, ARod hit his third Grand Slam this season. He's done that 4 times, the only player with the same numbers is Jimmy Foxx.
Do you think you're going to hear that info more this week?
3 Hrs in a game! I'll take it!
Ackbar looks like a lobster so he knows the fish better.
How does Jeter fit into the ARod stat, though? The media will figure out how to make it about Jeter.
Think Joe will start Reed Johnson tomorrow, so there can be a Johnson vs Johnson sword fight?
California Love coming up.
Pasadena, where you at?
Can't stand that song very much
Maybe Jeter scored in all three slams.
Oh, FB, meant to give you props earlier for the SP1200s reference.
Dre lost the funk somewhere during Doggystyle
DB cut it up so def
Bad K for XP
still 6-0 Dodgers
I prefer to think he was saying how they couldn't resist firepower of that magnitude.
Proposal behind home plate? It was Larry King, wasn't it?
FJL with the nice snag
I am already dreading Padilla using that curve in some crucial game in September and having Ryan Spilborghs or somebody similar take it way out
Padilla kind of looks like Landos co-pilot Nien Nunb. I had to look that up.
I hear ya re: Dre, but I do kinda dig on California Love and Tupac's collaboration with Dre on it. Mainly because Pasadena receives a shoutout at the end. Coincidentally, Mr. C and I happened to be in a drinking establishment the other morning and looked up to see a sticker on the bar that said "Pasadena, where you at?" I couldn't tell if the sticker was a reference or what. Had to be.
VP's rebound after coming of the DL is refreshing. I had become used to pitchers going on the DL just because they suck.
Karina's Son with the strong slide to first - makes it in safe! Good hustle, Pornstache!
Russell Martin hasbeen driving me crazy lately, but that slide at second rocked the house.
i thought that was going to dunk in too, Cody
Shows how much contact Raffy is making these days
Almost, Kempy
I don't much like Cody Ross
inglewood always up to no good. It is so funny it makes the song memorable.
summunabich that was close
Mrs Dusty will note that it is physically impossible for me ever to say "Inglewood" without also saying "always up to no good."
@DB it had to be. Was there a sticker with some Jan and Dean lyrics on the other side?
I say Inglewood with the emphasis on the "wood"
West Up!
Love Battletoad's nice blue glove.
Padilla's glove looks like he got it from Sears
haha awesome timing DB
Glad you liked something about my son's performance
Not wild about the blue glove, but it certainly works for VP.
Ramon Martinez had a good blue glove too
Why do the Cards suck at the one time I'd prefer they wouldn't?
So 'toad is over 100 pitches. Who'll come in?
Okay, now I am starting to hate Cody Ross, too
@Mr C
What the shit happened there?
DP coming up, have faith.
6 effing runs in the bottom of the 9th? screw you Cardinals
I'd like to underscore my comment of 7:13pm in which I expressed my hatred for Cody Ross.
Franklin happened.
Just devoured one of those single-serve Jello pudding cups.
Man, those are great. They should make those cups bigger, though.
Oops. One pitch too many.
goddamm Ryan Franklin
I hate Mike Stanton
I hate Sherman Oaks
I hate Notre Dame Academy
Local boys always get their moment here, don't they?
Good outing though V-Pad!!!
BattleToad done for the night
One pitch too long, but nicely done by the battletoad.
*claps for V*
I can't hate on anything blue, even if it is a Sears-lookin' thing.
True story: I wear blue clothes or clothes that have blue somewhere in them to work virtually every single day. I do so on purpose to represent Dodgers and Chelsea. My secretary freaks out if I ever wear, say, a white or yellow shirt.
Some consider me absolutely insane, and their assessment may be fairly accurate.
*flips bird to Ryan Franklin*
We don't have Tron, so now it's Sherrill all the time :(
How the fuck did the Rox score NINE runs in the bottom of the ninth to win 12-9?
uhoh George vs a righty
Mrs. S saw that Sherrill was in and, without saying a word, turned to me and made this face:
Hopefully Ned's belief in Flat Breezy is well founded.
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