Thanks to all the SoSG readers for all of their suggestions about how to manage the Mr. LA Sports Fan / Quadsevens duel to the death. However, in the spirit of keeping things easy for me to track, as well as keeping you all engaged throughout the game's entire duration...
I noticed that Quadsevens has "EVEN" in his avatar name. And Mr. LA Sports Fan is sometimes a little "odd". So...
- We're going to look at the Lakers' cumulative point total at the end of each quarter. For every quarter that ends in an odd number of total Lakers points, Mr. LA Sports Fan gets a tally mark. For every quarter that ends in an even number of total Lakers points, Quadsevens gets a tally mark.
- For example, if the Lakers' scoring goes like this: 10 points in the first quarter, 11 points in the second quarter, 11 points in the third quarter, and 12 points in the fourth quarter: Quadsevens wins tally marks for quarters one, three, and four.
- The person with the most tallymarks at the end of the Game 2 wins.
- If Game 2 goes to overtime, extra overtime periods also count as additional "quarters".
- If Game 2 ends, and Mr. LA Sportsfan and Quadsevens have an equal number of tallymarks, we'll roll this over into Game 3.
Everybody got it? Then see you tomorrow for the 5pm PT tipoff of Game 2!
Shards just signed Randy Winn. God dammit. Now Vin gets the chance to reignite his love affair with Winn and to tell the halfcourt shot/won car story. Next week, even!
Sax, I hope the Lakers score more than the 44 points you just predicted!
Oh no, it's starting...
Just a little odd...
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