Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Dodgers To Start Selling Tickets To Imaginary Games of the Past

Hot on the heels of the Marlins' announcement that they will sell unused tickets (at face value) to Roy Halladay's perfect game, the Dodgers have announced they will start selling tickets to imaginary games that never happened at Dodger Stadium.

"Now you can get an authentic ticket stub to the game where YOU hit (or were involved with) the walkoff winner," states the Dodgers press release, "proving that the event really happened, and that you were there!" Ticket stubs will come with a replica box score and lineup card that also have your name inserted in the right place, to further validate the historical accuracy. Ticket stubs will also include a photo of the imaginary non-leg breaking celebration at home plate.

Ticket stub prices start at $40 for a walkoff balk, and escalate to $100 for a walkoff single, $500 for a walkoff home run, and $2000 for a walkoff grand slam.

Earlier: Re-Defining the Ticket "After-Market"


Jason said...

Or $10,000 to bundle a poorly dubbed recording of Vin calling the play.

Josh S. said...

If you want to imagine that you beat the Yankees, seven imaginary tickets must be purchased.

Paul said...

An extra $500 will get you an imaginary suspension letter dated the next day from the Commissioner for testing positive for imaginary PEDs!

Appeal papers not included.

Nostradamus said...

How much would it cost to be wounded in a freak hunting accident by Vicente Padilla?

Josh S. said...

I don't know about imaginary games, but I would buy this after last night.

Steve Sax said...

That is pretty funny. Casey Balke, indeed.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I'll pay $400 for Manny's hCG experience.

Steve Sax said...

Reporters were trying to get a comment from Blake after the game, but he just sat in the locker room listening to his Balkman.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

RT @ed_price: Source says Dontrelle Willis going from #Tigers to #Diamondbacks pending physicals.

Josh S. said...

Good, get him in the rotation for tomorrow so we can beat him again.

QuadSevens said...

Do you think Casey Blake listens to Johan Sebastian Balk before a game to relax?

Jason said...

Someone get Aerosmith on the phone record a "Balk This Way" so Casey can use it as his at-bat music.

Josh S. said...

Balk out with your caulk out.

Nostradamus said...

I'm told he had some celebratory balklava from the clubhouse spread.

Paul said...

At least Arizona didn't protest the call. They know their spikes are made for balking.

Steve Sax said...

I've heard that to address his fidgeting on the bench, Casey Blake likes to play with a Rubalk's Cube.