It's been three months since I first suspected I was being tailed by a Jedi Master, and I think I've finally shaken him. While being stalked I've at times felt confused, intrigued, and quite honestly a little flattered. But mostly I've been quietly frightened. I've tried to drop a few subtle photographic clues in my posts that either nobody picked up on or that nobody vocalized for fear of upsetting The Green One (understandably). But I haven't noticed him for awhile now, so I'm tentatively optimistic that he's found more worthy prey. Here's hoping there isn't a Part III to this series.
Above photo taken not by me but by getthebubbles. Hopefully he's Yoda's new stalkee.___________________________________________________________
Shea Stadium Yoda Hint: He's in the 2nd to last photo. And like the puzzles, once you see him you'll have no doubt.
Is this guy following you, as well? (Sorry, I just thought this was cool.)
That's it. We need you to check your midi-chlorian levels in your blood.
From Star Wars wikia:
Midi-chlorians could be detected through a blood test by measuring their concentration in a being's red blood cells,though such tests were not perfect and were prone to fault. Midi-chlorian tests were part of a standard medical check-up, recorded in a blood analysis.
Some Jedi comlinks could have midi-chlorian samplers attached to them to measure blood samples, though these results would need to be interpolated through a computer, such as that found aboard a ship, to get a count
If you look at the picture, you could see the needle.
Eric, don't resist to your destiny...the Force operates in misterious ways...
Tell me you just changed that mirror shot. How could I miss that?
And is Yoda selling hot dogs at Shea?
He's not the hot dog vendor. Yoda is more difficult to spot in the Shea post than the Argentina one, but you shouldn't have to scan every face in the crowd...
Isn't Yoda's shadow reflected at the snacks bags?
However, the first vendor looks like a young Palpatine.
It's not the shadow of the chips, Karina, although I think I see what you're referring to...
This is like a Star Wars version of "Where's Waldo."
Should we also be looking for a lost lightsaber, missing cane, 1 protocol droid, Darth Maul, 3 Tusken Raiders, and a tiefighter?
Just Yoda. It's not particularly obvious, but probably more obvious than I think you think.
Hmmm...Using a lightsaber as a bat could give new meaning to "a slicing double down the line."
Well done Quad - wish I could award you PCS Points, but alas bragging rights will have to suffice.
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