Any Dodger fan familiar with the 2008 Dodgers groans in agony when watching Jeff Kent fall over to one of his sides like a toppled tree, knees creaking like an old floorboard, as he tries to stop a grounder up the middle. [Editor's note: to be fair, this joke was a heck of a lot funnier before it was announced that Kent, who had been playing on torn cartilage for over a month, had what might be season-ending arthroscopic knee surgery on Tuesday. SoSG Sax has added funerals, along with birthday parties and barmitzvahs, to the list of events at which I can perform comedy.]
And the last time I saw Kent's helpless defensive attempt, while thinking to myself, "how can I live through this?", I suddenly realized that instead of lamenting a porous middle infield, I can instead utilize the deep vault of Dodger history to help solve the problems of today's team.
And that brings us to today's Off-Day Puzzle #10. Can you use the following 38 second basemen and shortstops, from Dodgers past and present, in order to fill the gaping hole in the center?
CABRERA, Jolbert
CORA, Alex
DUNCAN, Mariano
FALLON, George
FREY, Lonny
FURCAL, Rafael
GRIFFIN, Alfredo
HU, Chin-Lung (*)
KENT, Jeff
LOPES, Davey
MAGOON, George
MAZA, Luis
NEAL, Charlie
OZUNA, Pablo
REED, Jody
REESE, Pee Wee
SAX, Steve
WILLS, Maury
Puzzle construction notes: Last names only. Also, Chin-Lung Hu has an asterisk not because of his amazing 73 HR single-season record, but because his location has already been identified in the grid (we want to make sure you found the right Hu).
Puzzle rules: Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give away the answer to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:
- Email us with the puzzle's two-word answer (and please include your screen name somewhere in the email), and
- Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. Due to firewall issues, I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please do be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I will confirm correct answers there.
Deadline is midnight PT, and the solution will be posted at 12:01 AM tomorrow. Thanks, and good luck!
Bonus! In addition to the prizes we're awarding to the Puzzle Championship Series, this particular puzzle, like Puzzle #9, also comes with a special bonus prize. But that's all I'm saying about the bonus prize; when you see the bonus clue, you'll know. Email us if you know what I'm talking about (no giant leaps necessary), and so long as the person whose name is drawn (from the list of correct bonus prize answer submitters) is willing to send us his/her mailing address, he/she will be eligible to receive a wonderful Dodger-related bonus prize item. (Just ask neeebs, it's fun for the whole family!) Good luck.
SoSG not responsible for items lost in the mail. Big props to P&A Magazine for the puzzle concept.
UPDATE #1 (11a PT): We have six correct answers, but no one has found the bonus...
UPDATE #2 (12:15a PT): Quadsevens has found the bonus! As such, I'm not going to hint on the bonus just yet. We have seven correct answers as well.
UPDATE #3 (3:45a PT): Steve also got the bonus! 10 correct answers, as well. Nice work, everyone...and there's still time left!
Got it. Emailed my answer.
Just kidding.
I think this is one of those times where I benefit by being up 3 hours earlier than everyone else.
Also: gross.
Sent in my answer.
My answer has been sent in.
Please make sure that your answer is emailed with your "handle" so I know who is answering...
Hey I made the list of shortstops! WOOHOO! I'm good enough, I'm strong enough, and gosh darnit, people like me! :)
AC, Jose frickin' Vizcaino made the list too. Don't get too excited (even if you did score the game winning run, off an error, in last night's game)
Finally solved a puzzle.
MSTI, you're in with the first correct answer. (I don't get "gross", in your comment--please explain either through another post or through email!)
Daniel, QuadSevens, you also are both correct.
Congrats to all three of you...however, no bites yet on the bonus prize...
Neeebs, correct answer, congrats!
Must be the magic gloves.
Answer sent
answer sent, this time for real
Gil Gamesh and EK, you're both correct.
No one has found the bonus clue as of yet.
I just despise everything about the correct answer, is all I meant.
Bonus prize answer emailed.
Answer sent
Bonus answer sent
LoneyFan, you have a correct answer, You do not yet have a correct bonus answer, unfortunately--keep looking!
I sent in my solution. Haven't found the bonus answer yet.
OK, now I think I got the bonus answer too. Sent in.
Berkowit28, you have a correct answer, congratulations! However you do not have a correct bonus answer; keep looking!
Just sent in my answer... I feel like I started this one a bit late!
Just sent in my answer.
Also sent in the bonus answer...
Really? I don't have the correct bonus answer? It surely must have been then a somehow incorrect answer to the correct bonus clue? I can't believe I didn't find the correct bonus clue. Must be a trick question, or something.
Sweeeeeeeeet! I hope I win the bonus prize drawing and I hope the prize is a coupon to Krispy Kremes! (For some donut holes of course)
Here's my answer - Sax is the Zodiac killer!
OK, I think what I submitted as my bonus answer must instead be the actual puzzle solution? (It's the only thing that makes MSTI's "gross" comment sensible.)
Steve and Erin, you both have correct answers.
Steve, you have also nailed the bonus answer! Congrats!
Berk, i just sent you an email...
wait for my late night wrong answer...
Answer sent. No bonus... yet.
Just sent my answer.
bonus sent too.
Fanerman and Jose, your answers are also correct. Congrats!
jose, you did indeed find the bonus as well. Well done.
Fanerman, your bonus is also correct. Congrats!
Okay, peeps, I'm out for the night, but emails received before midnight will count. Enjoy, and congrats everyone!
Berk, just got your email and I love your actually grabbed the right part of the flavortext to clue you in, but it's not what you described. It is elsewhere in the grid, though...good luck!
One more clarification (thanks to the submitter who noticed this): it is not correct to select the "CORA" that is hidden backwards in "LAROCHE"; one must find another "CORA" (and not Joey).
Good night, and good luck!
I've got hurdy gurdy man in my ears as I read this puzzle.
Delino - I hope he's not using any tongue.
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