Clayton Kershaw (0-0, 5.59) vs. Aaron Cook (7-3, 3.36).
COMMENTS: The Minotaur is back for his third major league start, after an impressive debut at home and a less-impressive follow-up at Shea. And Aaron got Cooked last outing against the Cubs, giving up three home runs. But today's game isn't about them; it's about me. I was supposed to go to the businessperson's special today, sneaking out of work to enjoy Dodger Stadium under a cloudless sky. Instead, I've been jerked back to the office and my plans to play hooky have been thwarted. And I'm not happy about it. Gameday, here I come.
Stupid job!
Well, by next year, there will be enough blog revenue that I'll be able to do SoSG full-time.
I'm currently stuck waiting for a prescription at Target pharmacy. I will likely have to sit here through their lunch break, thereby missing the beginning of the game. By how many runs will the Dodgers be losing by the time I see any part of the game?
I'll take your tickets, I'm not working today (or ever that is).
Good news. I just got back in time to catch the first pitch on Of course, I didn't get my prescription, but no matter.
Too bad about the game, Sax. It looks like it's a perfect day for an afternoon game.
Public Enemy #1 to put away the second batter.
Helton ducked with that curveball that was called a ball, but looked good.
Ha! Kershaw just made Helton look silly. Helton ducked out of the way of a curveball that wasn't actually that close to him. It was called a ball, but it was totally worth it to see Helton duck like that.
Hey, you want to play in the majors? Just learn to throw a breaking ball down and/or away, and you, too, can strike out Matt Kemp.
Opps, feast or famine with Kershaw - He sort of reminds me of Bills - lots of strikeouts, but gives up the runs.
ugh, already 2-0
Yep, down 2-0 early, and Cook can pitch well.
Meanwhile, Arizona is losing 5-1. Will the Dodgers ever take advantage of Arizona's losing streak?
Hey Vin said that same thing as I did about Bills and Kershaw - making a lot of pitches due to foul balls.
53 pitches through two...not a very efficient minotaur.
Wow, Kershaw at 53 pitches already.
nice 8-pitch ab from russell, drawing the walk to lead the second. let's score him, dammit
The thing is, Vin has said the same thing about Penny this year, with regard to foul balls. And it's definitely true for Penny, but he no longer has the excuse of age that Bills and Kershaw have.
dammit, loney! gidp!
holy smokes, Maza is all the way down at .237. Yikes.
Wow. Vin just said it was 6-1, Brewers, and now he says it's 10-1. Arizona is getting demolished.
Here's the second inning:
--Martin gets on, Loney GIDPs
--DeWitt gets on, Maza hits into the third out.
Nice. 0-2 after 2.
We suck!
I like our chances in the first two games against the Cubs. Bills vs. Dempster, Kuroda vs. Gallagher. I saw both Dempster and Gallagher live, and though they won the games, I'm telling you, I just didn't walk away impressed by those guys. The Dodgers can take them.
Sunday is Lowe vs. Zambrano. That one is a little more troubling.
We can't lose a series to the Rockies, right? Right?
Sorry, my days are screwed up on those Cubs' games. I forgot it's a four-game series. So, shift everyone over one day, and it's Penny vs. Marquis on Sunday.
Helton pulls a Loney and GIDPs, too.
2-0 after 2.5 innings.
Lowe vs. Zambrano isn't a bad matchup, considering Lowe is on an upswing. Still, we're going to lose that one.
I wonder what percentage of first-pitch strikes result in an out.
This team is very capable of losing a series to the Rockies. It's as if everyone is just waiting around for Furcal to return.
Hu is batting .158. Give him some time in the minors!
Boy Hu is SOOO BAD!!! Don't we have ANYONE else in the minors?
I bet the Dodgers lead the league in two-out, bases-empty singles. Pierre adds another to the pile.
Iannetta nets a CS on Pierre. Of course.
Wow, the Rockies catcher threw a laser to second. Not much Pierre could do on that one.
I fully blame Pierre for last night's loss, since we could have gotten to Francis early, but didn't. And now he gets thrown out stealing again.
I don't know. The rule is to not be the first or third outs on the basepaths, right? So now Pierre has done each in the last two games.
Kershaw's on the ropes here in the third. Men on first and second, no outs, and 76 pitches. Ugh.
kershaw escapes!
kemp's second strikeout of the game...and that doesn't count the 2 strikes he got last inning (before Slappy was thrown out).
Dodgers have 5 Ks through 4 innings; Kemp's got two of those Ks
The rule is don't make the first or third out at third base.
"Just get out of this inning, kid, and you're in line for the win if we score three in the bottom of the inning."
The Dodgers ground into another double play! I think they're trying to finish this game as fast as possible so they can all go see Sex and the City.
Wow, CHP strikes out the side in 12 pitches.
Maza and Hu are horrible. Given how shaky the first six slots are in our lineup already, we can't afford a black hole in the seven, eight, and nine slots.
Hu, Maza, pitcher? We only have six innings in which to score.
Oh yeah, and then there's Slappy at the top of the lineup.
AND Park gets the sac bunt down. Impressive, most impressive.
Kemp with the RBI single! 2-1 Rockies!
CHP gets out of a 1st & 3rd jam. Are we going to have to start calling him "Nails"?
Either our offense sucks or Aaron Cook is Cy Young.
Why can't we score? Park can't hold them down forever.
If you get a chance, check out a great story on ESPN about a crazy game in Cleveland in 1974.
I think this form will cut off the end of the full link if I cut and paste, and I don't want to look up how to link to it.
Go there and click on "Carnage in Cleveland." Right now it's the number one story on the page.
The night beer and violence bubbled over in Cleveland
Now would be a nice time for a Sweeney HR.
...Or, Delwyn shows us what a pinch hitter SHOULD be.
Get rid of sweeney...
Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to lose a series to The Worst Team in Baseball.
Thanks for the link, Orel. I was too lazy.
Kemp, Ethier and Martin bat for us in the ninth. If ever there were a time for the kids to show what they can do, this is it.
Interesting: Torre using Broxton for one out in a losing game. Morale booster?
The way Taveras is battling, I guess Torre intended for Broxton's appearance to be a morale booster for the Rockies.
Took Broxton ten pitches but he got the third out. Let's rally, boys.
Erin, this is an incredible article you've brought up.
Orel, it's amazing, isn't it? I happened to find the link and then just couldn't stop reading.
Brox did a fine job in a marathon at-bat.
Now let's not roll over and play dead in the ninth...
kemp struck out three times in this game!
And that does it. We lose. The Diamondbacks lose. The Giants are losing to the Mets 5-2 in the 8th. The NL West has become the NL Worst.
Good subject and good writing in that article.
Well that was depressing. And we do it all over again tomorrow, 7p against the Cubs. Dodgers fall three games under .500.
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