A few weeks ago, I stated that "while I don't know this 'percentage binary' figure for the other teams, I'm willing to bet the Dodgers are tops in the league".
Well, I decided to research it and this is what I found (through Monday's games):
Sure enough, the Dodgers are far and away tops in the league, with 26 of 69 binary games (38%). In a very distant second, third, and fourth place are Oakland (28%), the Chicago White Sox (26%), and San Diego (26%), respectively. Even if you take away the four binary games in which the Dodgers scored 11 runs, it's still not even close.
P.S. I just noticed that this inadvertently serves as a good companion piece to Sax's post below. Our messages are aligned: the Dodger offense sucks.
Hahaha. Outstanding, simply outstanding.
EK, I was going to do this exact analysis...but since you have it:
--what percentage of the Dodgers' games had them scoring only 0 or 1 run? And how does that percentage compare with the rest of the league?
If this is easy to run, I'd love the info... thanks
Well I can answer the first question, as 26 of the Dodgers' 69 games were binary, and in 4 of those 26 games they scored 11 runs (and I believe they had no games with 10 runs or 100+ runs). So that leaves 22 games with 0 or 1 runs, out of 70 (add one non-binary game for yesterday), or 31.4%.
Unfortunately I don't know what league avg is.
Quad, are you throwing down a puzzle of your own? Cuz that looks like about what we're paying Andruw Jones. And this time I'm talking base-10, not binary...
There actually is a message in there EK. A binary to text translator may be needed though.
Similarity to Jones's paycheck was unintentional.
011101000000110100001010 , quad sevens.
I'm not sure if either of you really have a hidden message in your binary or not, but if you want a binary puzzle, here is a legit one:
In honor of yesterday's game thread conversation, find the hidden binary message below to reveal my thoughts on SJP:
The rest of the SoSG audience should be forever grateful that I'm relegating this one to the comments section of this nerd-post as opposed to making it a full-fledged off-day puzzle.
The first guess that comes to mind would be a website called SarahJessicaParkerLooksLikeAHorse.com. Currently down because of so much traffic, but there is a nice message from stablemaster Wilbur as well as some funny photos.
Poor poor SJP. In her defense, those are some good looking horses. Anyhow, for the binary puzzle this website may prove more helpful.
Badface! Nice! My website was close, but your puzzle gets the message across much quicker.
Quad, Sax, I finally get your messages. As you can see, when it comes to solving puzzles I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
...and it sure was tedious manually transcribing all those 0's and 1's into ascii. That'd be sweet if one day they could make like a website that automatucally does the conversion.
They have a website for that EK. Do a google search for "binary to text" and click on the first link. (I'd post the site here, but it would get cut off.) Then you just have to copy and paste all the binary into the second box and translate.
quadsevens: you could tinyurl it
I'd never tried that before, but I like it.
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