Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"And a Very Pleasant Afternoon, Wherever You May Be, and Welcome to Sons of Steve Garvey"

Vin Scully and Ross Porter share the same birthday, according to John Weisman at Dodger Thoughts.

How lucky are we to have Vin? Not only is he one of the last solo sports broadcasters, he's one of the fairest. And if some games he seems too fair, e.g., waxing poetic about Miguel Batista or Khalil Greene, just change the channel to, say, an Angels game and savor Vin's impartiality.

As for Ross: We miss you. Rick Monday has nothing on you.


Steve Sax said...

At least Ross is spared the indignity of having to read the Panda Express radio ads after the first out of the fifth inning.