Friday, July 01, 2011

Rushin Ac-centuates the Positive

With local and national media hopping on the Dodgers' bad news bandwagon, it's refreshing to see a prominent sportswriter take the time to enumerate the good things about the Dodgers franchise. From "Bankrupt Dodgers have several assets that money can't buy" by Steve Rushin at

1. The Dodgers' home uniforms, which are unnaturally white, the white of Chlorox-commercial bed sheets. Against that white, the red numbers on the left rib cage pop like lipstick on a starched collar, as former first baseman Steve Garvey might put it. The script "Dodgers" across the chest is divine, as if God signed it with a blue Sharpie. Yes, the cash-poor Dodgers are metaphorically wearing a barrel, but they can take solace in literally wearing -- with apologies to the Canadiens, Yankees and 1963 Chargers -- the most beautiful uniforms in sports.

Can I get an amen! There are six additional items on Rushin's list, all worthy of praise. Thanks, Steve!