Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Keeping With Today's Theme, Here's Another Jerk In Baseball

Via Deadspin, "Bryce Harper Does Another Jerkass Bryce Harper Thing".

Man, what a punk. Have fun keeping this guy in check, Nationals.


Kyle Baker said...

This guy is a punk. A real dutchbag. And he held his HR glance way too long. But do we know if the pitcher didn't taunt him as he rounded third? It looked like it. Looked like he glanced over, did a doubletake at something the pitcher said or gestured, then did his stupid-ass kiss thing (which technically wasn't blowing a kiss as has been reported; instead, this was an air kiss).

Hope he got beaned the next time up. Also, I look forward to him being a quality power bat for the Nats soon.

rbnlaw said...

Analyst on Baseball Tonight said he would throw at Harper if he did that to him.

Hope this kid has tough ribs.

At least he's not wearing the stupid "war paint" eye black like he did as a HS player in Nevada. Can't get away with that so much in the Bigs.

Steve Sax said...

The Banana Splits would go all ape-shit on Bryce.

Jason said...

Bryce obviously went to the Jeff Kent school of mustache grooming.

Josh S. said...

^ He double-majored in Assholery.

DanGarion said...

Have you heard the whole story yet? Including the part that the pitcher was whining at him the entire time he was running the bases?

spank said...

I thought it was quite hilarious.