Thursday, June 09, 2011

Carroll Keeping His Wide Eyes Fixed On Adrian Gonzalez (as part of a Corona Extras promotion) asked a bunch of baseball players who has "the sweetest swing in baseball," and Dodger Jamey Carroll said that he enjoys watching Adrian Gonzalez, former Padre turned Red Sock, swing the bat.

The video of Carroll stating this opinion is here, but since won't let me embed their videos, I'll pull a Deadspin and have to illustrate it as best I can below:

In all seriousness, the video is worth watching for two reasons: (1) the shot of Carroll is such a closeup, it's unnerving; (2) Carroll's 100% serious tone is so clinical and stoic, it's almost stalker-esque. Eek. I'd check the locks on my door if I were Gonzalez.


Kyle Baker said...

Carroll likes to watch Gonzalez swing his bat? Whatever, I support you, Wide Eyes.

spank said...

It's a trap,MOFOS!

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Love me some of those wide eyed Star Wars dudes.

Can't remember their specie names.

Nostradamus said...

Mon Calamari.

*gives self a swirlie*

Josh S. said...

Anyone else weirded out by the new Ackbar in the Star Tours commercial? He

Nostradamus said...

I confess that I haven't seen it. My TV consumption is Vin-centric.

MR.F said...

I could go for some fried mon calamari right about now.

Wait what?

Josh S. said...

The Padres brought up Rizzo! He doesn't give you much of a strike zone.

rbnlaw said...

Ratso Rizzo?

He's walkin' here!