The Dodgers visit San Francisco next Monday through Wednesday, and for once, there will be more scrutiny off the field than on it. From "Giants will employ 'heightened security measures' " by Ramona Shelburne at ESPNLosAngeles.com:
Jorge Costa has had the dates of that series circled on his calendar for months. Any time the Dodgers come to AT&T Park, the San Francisco Giants' senior vice president of stadium operations is on high alert.After the incident at Dodger Stadium, the stakes for Costa, San Francisco law enforcement, the Giants, the Dodgers, and Major League Baseball could not be higher. Message boards have been filled with talk of retaliation towards Dodgers fans. The comments section on online articles published about Stow's beating contain disturbing, racially charged, and sometimes violent language.
Lost in all the talk about beefing up security at Dodger Stadium is how the Giants plan on preventing similar incidents at their yard. Shelburne's article does a fine job of detailing the Giants' approach to safety, and their transparency encourages confidence. Heck, Ned Colletti already employs as many former Giants as he can. Come next week, will the Dodgers be employing their security measures as well?
I'm going and wearing blue.
And watching our guys win.
That's about it.
I love going to watch the Dodgers or anybody beat the Giants at AT&T park but as always I will lay low and have my head on a swivel if I head out to the park.
When I was in Scottsdale there were some giant fans harassing Dodger fans pretty badly to the point of screaming at them as they left. I didn see security around. There needs to be more of a security presence at most parks.
You'll be alright Paul. Security's going to be out in force, and the tweakers are easy to spot.
Kick back, relax, and enjoy watching us dominate them. I'm not buying into the whole "Giants are winning the West again" theory.
Yo-Yo Ma
I think something that should be talked about is the amount of racism on comments on both ESPN and LATimes. So much ignorance. It's very disheartening.
I liked Shelburne's article--and one thing that was buried way deep in the article was the fact that incidents have happened at AT&T Park, too:
"In 2008, 18-year-old Anthony Giraudo died after he was punched in the head during an argument after a Giants game at AT&T Park. Then-18-year-old Taylor Buckley was arrested and charged with murder. In February of this year, Buckley pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to a year in jail and five years probation.
Just a few months after Giraudo's death, 26-year-old Rafael Cuevas was sentenced to 16 years to life in prison for the 2004 stabbing death of Giants fan Tim Griffith, who was leaving AT&T Park after attending the game in which Barry Bonds hit his 700th home run.
While the attention this week has focused on the Dodgers and Bryan Stow, it is not an isolated incident. It is simply the latest tragedy in a wider and ongoing problem."
I too liked that they mentioned previous incidents that have happened at AT&T Park. Truth of the matter is, fans can get unruly anywhere.
I heard someone (A. Martinez maybe?) on the radio last night saying their ideal scenario for preventing incidents like the one on Opening Day would be:
-Ban all alcohol sales
-Invasive searches at the gate
-Plain clothes police officers carrying visible guns
Yeah, OK. The first one doesn't work, because if someone wants to get drunk, they'll get drunk. The second one is dumb because nearly all of these violent incidents are occurring OUTSIDE the stadium (and this last one was done with fists, not weapons). And, even if it's being carried by a police officer, guns don't really say "family friendly."
The only immediate reaction should be increased security presence. 2 patrols per lot, at least (AT ALL TIMES). Inside security doesn't have to be as visible, but you damn well better be able to summon security quickly and easily if you need to.
Long term, there has to be some sort of campaign to change the fan mindset. No Dodger fan is ever going to stop hating the Giants and vice-versa, but the conflict has to stop at words. Knock off the escalation bullshit like airplane banners.
It's stupid really. We all love our teams but in reality it is just a sport. No one should get the crap beat out of them or die for it. As for that racism thing Mr.Doctor brought up,I've come to terms with the fact that there will always be idiots who will carry on that kind of hate till the end of time.Sad.
Eaxctly, for there to be a long term change it's going to have to come from the fans. I'll be the first one to admit, I can run my mouth sometimes. But, never have I threaten someone with physical violence. I am sure I don't help the situation though by my actions.
Apologies for the typo, really wish there was an edit button for posts!
I heard they will be placing 25 armed guards around Spank's house to make sure he doesn't leave the premises.
It takes a nation of millions to hold him back.
The only dicey places are immediately outside their playground, errr "park"... (couldn't resist)...
It's an unfortunate given that there will be some level of physical violence at the game. I've yet to be at their "park", regardless of whom they're playing, without seeing some drunk SOB starting shit.
My general SOP is don't start shit, end it with words if anything happens, and be prepared to throw down to defend yourself. NEVER drink. They haven't invented a Giants fan yet who can out-wit a knowledgeable Dodgers fan.
Just smile, laugh at them and their petty taunts, then look over at them when Bison knocks one into the left field bleachers. Odds are, they'll have left their seat already A) because they've been "escorted" out by Security; B) they realized the scoreboard very definitely was not stacked in their favor; C) because they'd parked in someone else's seat and needed to return to the nether-regions of the upper deck corners.
My 0.02.
Don't worry, house arrest flies right by!
I'd suggest they put an ankle-bracelet on Spank, but odds are he'd just hack it with his Apple II.
I've survived 3 trips to see the Blue at the Big Phone. Only during the last trip (a night game during the week, no less) did I feel even slightly threatened. The security at the Phone goes out of its way to protect fans. I had a few things land around me as I stood on the concourse in the upper deck, and the security guy next to me was on the radio.
Moments later, SFPD was up in the hizz pulling fools out.
Now, outside the stadium, can't vouch for the security. At least at Dodger Stadium (still no name sponsor, the way it should be) you have a huge parking lot, giving LAPD and security a smaller area to concentrate their efforts. Problems in the stadium are easily solved. Problems outside the stadium can be solved with TRAINED security and cops constantly moving. Last time I was at the Ravine, security comes up to me and my kids and rushes us along to the game with a "No tailgating at Dodger Stadium" warning. Meanwhile, within our eyesight, several groups of young, single, males, sat in their cars downing Tallboys.
Lesson learned? Security loves to pick an easy target.
Meanwhile, my kids are bugging the crap out of me to take them to a game.
Oh, and my point about the Phone was that 90% of the crowd rushes out to the City, not a parking lot; making a Dodger fan an easy target until he/she gets to a cab, trolly, or the mile walk to the nearest BART station. Once you're about .25 miles from the stadium, you're usually OK.
yep, a couple blocks does it. stick to the waterfront along Embarcadero, safest route for exit. If you head up Third St, well, you're asking for trouble.
If you're coming/going by ferry, you're all set, no worries at all.
I think the giants specifically waiting for the dodgers series on Monday to do another Brian Stow benefit day is a bad idea. Seems like it would be an easy set up for retalitory attacks despite the increased security.
I have been to phone park almost as many times as Dodger stadium. I really like watching baseball games there.
I always keep my eye open and act on my best behavior and most people leave you alone. It only takes one.
I remember going to old LA Raider games. Police everywhere and they were busy arresting idiots all over the place. In other words you can't stop idiots you can only hope to contain them.
I probably won't make this trip to AT&T, though moreso because I don't think I can stand seeing so many wannabe Halloween fans right now.
@PPR 11:40a: LOVED your quote "They haven't invented a Giants fan yet who can out-wit a knowledgeable Dodgers fan."
Manny is gone? adios you big goof.
yep. busted again, from the early reports.
Wow Manny.
If I want to get pummeled in Northern Cali, I'll go to a Raiders game and look at any of their fans in the eyes for more than two consecutive seconds.
SF Giants Fan scare me not
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