Ted Lilly (0-2, 6.00) vs. Tim Hudson (2-1, 3.48).
The Braves and Dodgers, both owners of 7-9 records, meet with a little bit of momentum on each side. The Braves just took two of three from one of the few teams that makes the Dodgers look good, the Mets. The Dodgers, although losing three of four to the Cardinals, are riding high on yesterday's combined heroics of Chad Billingsley and Matt Kemp.
The Braves have a heroic duo of their own, their ace Hudson and the young phenom Jason Hayward, who leads the team with four homers. Meanwhile, Lilly has yet to make it past the sixth inning this season, so it's good Bills gave the middle relievers a rest yesterday. (Jonathan Broxton is another, hair-tearing concern.)
Oh, and it's time for some irrational hope. From @Dodgers:
Today the #Dodgers called up Jerry Sands and designated Xavier Paul for assignment
photo by Harry How/Getty Images
1 – 200 of 328 Newer› Newest»Like Sands through the hourglass, these are the Days of our Lives.
They called up Irrational Hope as well!!!
The future looks bright!
Did I really post a lineup?
This means certain dooom.
Doom and GLOOM.
Oh wait, that was the Pre-Sands Dodgers.
Hope and Dope.
I just had a crazy thought. Let's win tonight.
Sands can play first, too, right?
Just making conversation.
Yes he most certainly can. Him replacing Loney would actually be a better lineup than him playing left.
(plays enter sandman)
I heard Sands can fly!!
Ladies and gentlemen,
Jerry Sands!
Sorry X, good luck.
I just want to tell you, Jerry, good luck. We're all counting on you.
Help us Jerry Wan KeSandsbi, you're our only hope.
I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid.
*pours some Everclear into Spanky's Kool-Aid*
Drink up Spanky. We have nothing else to look forward to. Sooner or later the opposition will never give M & A a decent ball to hit.
Don't worry,I won't rain on the parade. I still got Urine and Loney to bag on.
Our team is so bad that this addition, even if helpful, is little more than a Sand-Aid solution.
Get it?! Sand-Aid, Band-Aid! Oh I crack myself up!!!!
House built on sand....
damn thats all I got~
what's wrong with irrational hope?
Wotchale, Karina!
I'm lost. What is this "wotchale" expression?
I want to be cool like Karina and have my own "hello there" expression, so I started saying "Wotcher, everybody!" as my default greeting. Somebody (Josh S.?) fused "Wotcher" with "Epale" to create "Wotchale".
How could that Giants outfield in Coors field not give up a run yet.
Castles made of Sand melt into the sea eventually.
No pressure, Sands, by the way.
Now what does "wotcher" mean?
Hello Everyone!!
I'm so excited to see Sands in the starting line-up!!
@Karina "what's wrong with irrational hope?"
Absolutely nothing!
I thought everyone was excited about Miles leading off.
In the Sandbox, Vin!
You aren't going to make us say nice things about Prado are you, Karina?
My god,there is NO ONE there tonight. To be fair, it is really dreary and cool tonight, and the beginning of a religious holiday, and a Monday night.
And we suck.
I'll be there Wednesday, so I will likely have many seats to myself. Hopefully Derek Lowe can hear me heckle him.
I'm heading over to the Yard on Wednesday, too, I believe.
That was a strike!
never seen a guy run to first base three feet in on the grass before.
I hate fucking people who go all in on the deal.
Oh yeah.
Hey there kiddies!
Like Aaron Miles is really going to run.
Table set for Dre and Matty
Matt Kemp can't be contained.
when the hell is Uribe going to pop one?
I know I'm late.relax.
Nice recovery, Vin.
Vin got the batting order wrong.
No wait, Mattingly did.
loney loney loney
At least he advanced the runners. That's... something.
It's Loney, so it doesn't really matter.
James Loney!?!?
Hudson was scared of Sands on deck there.
Loney has had enough if your Sands talk.
Hey look, it did matter!
@Orel thanks for the support
King James goodness!
^ of
Looks nervous.
Well, shit. Lookit that!
Welcome to the show Jerry!!
*drinks kool-aid*
Sloney deprived him of the RBI.
(I'm kidding.)
I'm calling it right now.
Jerry Sands can solve the nation's debt crisis. #sandsmania
End it now Barajas!
I'm listing on the radio, and Vin made it sound like a home run for a sec.
Drop a bunt,Lilly. Fuck it.
rancho ardiendo!
Aw shit.forgot about house.
Just let him walk you, Lillypad.
that was really satisfactory
Had to walk the dog but wanted to get in:
Hell fuck yeah.
Karina never said I couldn't hate on Prado, so it is ON.
Sorry, Dusty but I forgot. You can hate it how much you want, but he's good at baseball.
Thanks, K.
It's not about baseball it's about hateHateHATE!!!
Well prado was an allstar last year.
I always forget Alex Gonzales is still playing.
Don't give any runs back, Teddy.
Ask and you shall receive, Karen!
We scored 3 runs? In one inning!
Sands kinda looks like Kent sans mustache.
He does...like a nice young Jeff Kent. I know it's hard to imagine that, but try.
Jesus christ, it's Nate friggin McLout. Get him out.
Teddy has thrown almost 40 pitches now. Hudson has thrown a lot, too. Some ugly bullpen ahead soon.
Even Casey's beard looks less powerful. He is over trimming.
how about a HR, Dre?
Looks like hudson has figured something out.
Like the fact that we cant hit.
Don't disrespect the beard, Paul. It works in mysterious ways.
@Dusty if the Atlanta bullpen comes early, those are sort of bad news, it's very good.
Ted needs a quick inning.
I love the beard. Casey needs to go Afro pic it out or something.
Hey Spank, what is the thinking behind the 108 claim? Because I hold it in particular disrespect, because it's 45's evil twin, 54, times two. Why did you choose it, out of curiosity?
How old is Chipper now? It seems like he's been playing forever.
@ Dusty
Has no significance to me whatsoever.
Nice inning,Lilly.
Here we go again.
Waddle, Uribe, waddle!
Nice hitting FJL!
Already with the Jerry chants.
well done, King James!
I see the Kent resemblance. I hope he's not an asshole.
What is this feeling? Pride?
@Spank are you into numerology?
I feel the need to change my avatar already.
I think Sands looks kinda like Bills' kid brother.
wow, if we have Kemp and Ethier hitting the way they've been hitting and Loney and Sands hitting like tonight, we might have something nice going on.
This kid needs an intimidating nickname like what Hershiser had.
@ karina
no,I was just messing about.
Is he spiderman!?!
Holy shit this kid.
it doesnt look like Lilly is long for this game.
If anyone changes their avatar to Sands, he will be jinxed and YOU will be responsible.
Don't do it.
(watching you)
ElyMania seems so long ago.
what was special about that Sands' catch?
I changed my avatar to Sands.
He didn't drop it.
Nice one, MLASC.
ps- Fuck you SoSG Lasorda
@Dusty: Yes. Clearly you are watching.
(I did it before he did anything, though.)
Everything Sands does is special.
@Karina 8:19--Plus Uribe has to start hitting sooner or later. Right? :/
shit,lilly.throw a strike they can't hit
i think Josh is safe.
The Giants world series is already on his shoulders.
Lilly,that is
I couldn't tell who that was since the players was wearing #66 and I knew Sands is wearing #47.
So kershaw gets the start in the throwback uniforms.
Afro Pic out the beard Casey!!!
Beard 0-12 against Hudson. When does the Law of Averages kick in?
Oh, right,the Law of Shitty Average.
They showed a closeup of Groomed Mode and you are dead right - he is getting all metrosexual with the beard trimming. He needs to man up.
At least Casey is making him waste some pitches.
@Karen 8:28 PM of course sista!
Siddown, Playdo!
Here's some numerology for you: 1-2-3 inning
Ted has settled down a bit.
Settled down a little bit more.
Hey Little Jerry Sands, made it to the show.
Charlie Steiner sounds annoyed that the crowd went a little nuts for Sands.
Loney rounding into his natural form.
did he just throw at his face
up and in
i wish the dodgers pitched like that
FUCK YOU Hudson. Hope your left nut falls off.
Holy Shit, they fear the SANDS!
Vinny talking Rams!!!
Wotcher, everybody!
He-Man just turned back into Princ Adam.
Sorry to leave your last question hanging, MR. LASC.
It's British slang, or something. I heard it from Harry Potter. It's basically short for: "Wotcher up to?"
Kemp protecting his team, i like.
Put the SuperDave, back you jinx it.
Way to have the rookie's back, Kemp! Love it.
Those Brits are a strange bunch.
Kemp: "Hey, don't you do that shit here, boy."
I think that's what he said, anyway.
Afro pic the beard Casey!!
Just when you thought Kemp couldn't get any sexier...
Mr F, the F was that comment about. I think he looks stoned.
Diane thought Kemp said "Hey, don't do that shit to him."
Something like that.
@DB, nah i think Zito is in Colorado right now.
Freddie Freeman: STOOPID name
I want my Jerry Sands badge.
Freddie Freeman sounds like the opening act to Billy Ocean.
Freddie Fail.
@Fernie V:
About having Sands' back!
At least, I think that's hot.
should lilly throw at someone or should we bring out Kenley to do it?
well there you go.
There ya go.
Score settled.Hell yeah, Teddy!
You're the man, Ted!
damn lilly you cant give up a double after that.
Yeah, way to go Teddy
Teddy Baseball.
Ted is an old central valley boy. No bullshit.
I meant the throw, not the double, I am listening to gameday and it is a little slow.
But yeah get out of the inning now Ted.
Goddammit! Missed it.Was it a bean ball or a brush back?
Why did Lilly shave?
@Spank, threw behind his head.
If Lilly falls apart, it's Josh's fault.
Dodger Stadium continues its efforts to become family friendly again by showing the Hangover 2 trailer to all the kids in attendance.
Thanx nic. Should have hit the fucker but I'll take it.
Fuck yeah. The old badger is doing well.
Thanks for bailing mr out, Ted.
Should of had Sands sing GBA.
Instead of orville redenbacher
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