Ok, all bets are in so the second half is ready to begin!

Here are the halftime scores:
- (4) Dusty leads (3) S Dittmore by 1:38
- (3) Jason leads (1) Quad by 0:16
- (3) J Steve leads (4) Loney Fan by 0:39
- (1) Josh S leads (2) Neeebs by 0:01
And here are the bets in play:
- Dusty Baker: MLASF, Brazilian Dodger Fan, Fred's Brim, Meaniebeanie, rbnlaw, Keven C
- Josh S: Mr Customer
- J Steve: Mr F
- Steve Dittmore: Greg Photo
- QuadSevens: Gagne's Lucky Glasses
- Neeebs: Betsy
- Jason: Curious Gene
- Loney Fan: Loney Fan
Comment away!
in and out
I saved time by not typing the "i"
Definitely out, Loney Fan...
Thanks EK. Now I can work. See ya'll in the Final Four.
well played DB, I must have killed almost a whole second with all I wrote
Great. A date with Josh S. in the Final Four. I feel like Cornell against Kentucky. How am I supposed to beat 0 minutes???
Four words, J. Steve:
Hot Tub Time Machine.
Loney Fan = Tolstoy
Three minutes in, and the Final Four is set. Wow.
This is tough. I would think that these are some of the best post-a-comment-on-a-blog-before-your-opponent-does players in the entire world.
Or some of the best don't-you-have-work-to-do-besides-post-a-comment-on-a-blog-before-your-opponent-does players in the entire world.
that was the most exciting 3 minutes in sports!
well, since they played a sport called boxing
Thank God for at least 3 full days of not having to do this. Though, I had perfected the "hit refresh on the iPhone while changing a diaper" move.
I'm so dead. Good job Josh. I was so ready yesterday and I've had a tough morning.
*streaks across the court*
I predicted Dr. Geek would show up randomly, didn't I!?!
Yes, 3 blissful days of not worrying about refreshing. My family appreciates the built-in offdays, EK. I can go back to them now.
I think the final four could use a timestamp that showed seconds. But we'll make do with what we have.
I'll explain tiebreaking rules once I get out of this meeting...
Well at least I'm consistant. Behind by 16 minutes in the first half, and behind by 16 minutes in the second half.
Make the Robot Region proud Jason!
Programming note:
For those of you who take a few minutes from your hitting refresh on SoSG schedule to listen to Sirius/XM MLB Home Plate, there are some changes brewing. They are planning to keep the daytime baseball talk shows but at night patch in MLB Network programming, e.g., the evening baseball news show will be piped into sat-rad. I think this is a great move to further bolster an already good concept on Sirius/XM, and more of a reason for me never tochange the station in my car again.
You guys are good.
I tip my cap to you, Neeebs. I'm sorry life got in the way of the silliness.
I will attempt to represent the Mr. X region well.
Let's go Dusty!!!
The King is Dead. Long live the King.
Jerry Lawler died?
I would like to take a few moments to, Survivor-style, look back upon my former comrades in the Sock Monkey Regional...
Loney Fan, Keven C, and Matt: It was an honor to do comment-time battle with you in the SOSG Arena of Doom.
MLASF, FB, and Booger: Although I didn't get to battle you directly, I will do my best to do the Sock Monkey Regional proud.
MR. F(anerman): Thanks for your support. The prize will be yours!
I look forward to many fine libations in the Assassins Circle.
And now I symbolically light all of your torches.
Go Sock Monkey!
Way to be symmetrical QuadSevens.
I'll carry the Robot banner with pride. And Curious Gene, I won't let you down.
Plus, Quad has the symmetry with quad and 16. Whooooaaa, duuude.
I expected more from Booger.
@Dusty - Quad got eliminated in the Elite 8 with two halves of 16. Hmm...
My horse is still in this race. Not like in real March Madness. Fucking Syracuse.
Go J. Steve! Nice work killing Loney Fan!
Figuratively of course.
You're making me do math - stop it!
For Quad: http://tinyurl.com/yc96evz
I keed! I keed!
@Dusty - Last bit of friendly chatter before I put my game face on for our head-to-head matchup... no matter who wins the next round, drinks are on me at Vons afterward.
The thirst builds, my friend.
In related breaking news:
From the article I just linked to:
"A customer had requested Corona-lemongrass for her boyfriend's birthday, a nod to her Thai heritage and his Mexican roots."
Not sure how I feel about this. I think I know which way I lean...
@Dusty - Today's happy hour will be at the Red Hook brewery where they make a ice cream with their beer and serve it two ways including as a porter float.
(pdf linked, page 4, right column...)
"A customer had requested Corona-lemongrass..."
She must be from Great Uncle Flavius' side of the family (Shhh, he was adopted). No red-blooded member of the Customer clan would be seen consuming Corona except in the most dire of circumstances.
Upon reflection, which admittedly only took about a nanosecond, the Corona-lemongrass concoction is judged to be a horrible idea. They lost me at Corona.
Agreed, Mr. C. I only choke that swill down if I get stuck at some lame office party and there is nothing else left in the cooler. Water is preferable.
Nice find. Wish I could locate some Blackhook Porter around here. Big Red Hook fan. I stay in a hotel in DC all the time where they stock my minibar w Red Hook. Actually, I guess that's why I stay there.
Will try to make a nice float over the weekend, now that I'm inspired. And thirsty.
@Dusty - Better hurry to find some Blackhook porter. They stopped brewing it in January with no plans to replace it. They are selling it for $40 / half barrel at the brewery in Washington as they move the last of the inventory. I don't think it's available east of the Mississippi anymore.
Try the new Mud Slinger if you like nut brown ales. And I'm holding out hope they make the Double Black again this year, a nice stout brewed with Starbucks coffee. That was a mighty fine beer last winter.
Beer is good.
I had some of that this winter. It combined tow of my favorite things: beer and Starbucks.
As Josh has astutely noted, beer is good.
Nice pic! I feel the same way.
Oops. Spent the day at the KC Zoo with the family for spring break. Thanks for letting me play. Good luck Dusty.
Good luck to all in the final four!
I will be out of the country for a little while but look forward to seeing the results.
Sorry I'm late. Long fucking day to say the least.
@Dr. Geek: Am I the only one who caught your Aqua Teen reference? For shame, posters; for shame.
As Meatwad would say: Do what now?
I noted Dr. Geek's comment, but misinterpreted the reference. I was thinking of Billy Madison.
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