Schindler's List
Saving Private Ryan
Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire
Seeing each of these movies was the emotional equivalent of getting kicked in the gut for two hours, but I'm glad I saw them. I just don't think I could handle a second viewing.
that's why I am avoiding that movie, even though Mrs FB wants to see it. i would also like to see Mo'Nique play the mom character, but i think the trailers were plenty
add Requiem for a Dream to that list for me
Mo'Nique was amazing. Oscar nomination for sure.
awesome - i loved her in Beerfest
What about horrible movies you've seen multiple times?
Episode I comes to mind.
Agree on Saving Private Ryan
I'm sure I'll never see Amistad again either. or The Crying Game for that matter.
For some reason, I find you much harder to take seriously with that avatar. Not that 8-bit Garv was particularly serious.
Hey, I have Saving Private Ryan on DVD and revisit it semi-often. I love that movie.
Good movie, but the first half hour is tough.
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
Once is more than enough, thank you.
I skip the parts with old man Matt Damon but i watch the rest of Saving Private Ryan at least once a year. And the invasion scene is my go to part of a movie anytime i tweak my surround sound!
On the other hand, I've probably seem Cannibal, the Musical half a dozen times.
Saving Private Ryan is an awesome movie. Easily re-watchable.
Never watch Gone With The Wind. 4+ hours of crap, 4+ hours of my life I'll never get back.
Ben Kingsley was great, but there's only so much British brutality one can take. Whereas, I can watch Joe Dirt or Anchorman anytime. I'm a sucker for those kinds of comedies.
Oh, add The Waterboy to that "I can watch" list.
I'd never see "Requiem for a Dream" again. Or "Donny Darko". Too sick, too dark, too depressing. Even w/Jennifer Connelly in a lesbian scene.
I agree about Requiem for a Dream. That's the most disturbing movie I've ever scene.
One and done (non-Bruckheimer division): Trainspotting
Bad but totally rewatchable (non-Cinemax division): Out Cold
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