Thursday, November 19, 2009

Flo vs Deltalina: State Your Allegiance

Don't be distracted by the graphic. Focus. Because the following text is critical.

Do you meet the requirements in fine print below? If so, it's time to quit waffling and state your allegiance. Flo or Deltalina. There is no "either." There is no "neither." And for cryin' out loud, there is definitely no "I'm not sure". If you're still not sure, leave now. You sicken me.

The above photos, along with these two posts should be all the information you need to make a decision. So stop worrying about hurt feelings and tell us in the comments if you're with Flo or Deltalina (as per my example comment). And as you may suspect, there is a larger reason for this. Tune in tomorrow or early next week to see what you've committed to.

I meet the following requirements:

  1. I have nothing better to do right now (or possibly ever) than make a surface judgment on the two ladies then summarize my conclusion in the comments section.
  2. Over the next few weeks I agree to dedicate at least 5 minutes per week participating in something undoubtedly absurd and ridiculous on this website.
  3. Once I pick Flo or Deltalina, I shall forsake the other for all eternity.


Eric Karros said...

EK: Deltalina

Fred's Brim said...


i mean Deltalina

rbnlaw said...

Me and Deltalina; till death do us part.

My wife might not like that.

Keith said...

Debra O'Striker (the chick from the Phoenix Airport Rental Car Shuttle) is way better! Who else would be nice enough to tell me to make sure I notify my airline about any firearms I might be carrying????

Fite Club said...

Deltalina by a mile. Actually, more like 30,000 frequent flier miles.

Wicks said...

Wicks: I am a member of Deltalina Nation!

Greg Hao said...

Greg: Deltalina

Josh S. said...

Flo, bitches.


QuadSevens said...

Q7 with Flo!

what_difference_does_it_make said...

Even though her name reminds me of a womans monthly visitor, I go for Flo...

MR.F said...

Deltalina. Though neither is really my "type."

DunkHawk said...

Flo. We don't even get the Deltalina commercials in these parts.

Jimbo said...


Give me a geeky hipster over a botoxed doll.

rbnlaw said...

Wicks sighting!

Nostradamus said...

Signing up for team Flo.

Eric Karros said...

So far:

Team Flo: Josh S, Q7, WDDIM, Dunkhawk, Dr Geek, Mr C

Team Deltalina: rbnlaw, Scott, Wicks, Greg, Fanerman

Steve K said...

I'm the sixth to sign up for Deltalina!

Kyle Baker said...

I'm in the Deltalina mile high club.

Kyle Baker said...

"Over the next few weeks I agree to dedicate at least 5 minutes per week participating in something undoubtedly absurd and ridiculous on this website."

Ummm...I think I already have this covered by a longshot. Even in the off season. And I'm comfortable with that.

Jason said...

Team Deltalina by far

Eric Karros said...

Flo (barely) won both polls, yet she lags here in supporters? If you're pro-Flo, time to come out of the woodwork and show your support!

Team Flo:
1. Josh S
2. QuadSevens
4. Dunkhawk
5. Dr Geek
6. Mr C

Team Deltalina:
1. rbnlaw
2. Scott
3. Wicks
4. Greg
5. Fanerman
6. J Steve
7. Dusty Baker
8. Jason

Be sure to tune in tomorrow or early next week to find out what you're signing up for.

Wicks said...

I didn't know I was missed around these parts {sniff, sniff} thanks rbnlaw......

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I can't spell Deltalina...


Unknown said...

I guess I'll go with Deltalina because I find Flo annoying.

Eric Karros said...

Wicks, what are you sniffing? Glue?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I go with Flo

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Oh, by the way, Tea-Head Timmah wins Cy Young.

MattyA said...

I vote Flo, even though she annoys me.

Fred's Brim said...

why do I feel like I am being ignored?

Eric Karros said...

Oops, sorry FB:

Team Flo:
1. Josh S
2. QuadSevens
4. Dunkhawk
5. Dr Geek
6. Mr C
7. Flo
9. MattyA

Team Deltalina:
1. FB
2. rbnlaw
3. Scott
4. Wicks
5. Greg
6. Fanerman
7. J Steve
8. Dusty Baker
9. djansson

Kyle Baker said...

1. Josh S
2. QuadSevens
4. Dunkhawk
5. Dr Geek
6. Mr C
7. Flo
9. MattyA

I would have put MLASF in the 5 hole in this lineup.

rbnlaw said...

Glad to have you as a member of Team Deltalina, Wicks.

I will admit to being a little concerned about this challenge, but our team looks strong (with the exception of that law dude).

rbnlaw said...

I'm the #2 hitter? Guess my deceptive speed will be put to good use.

Eric Karros said...

Ideally we'd like 12 per team, but we can do it with 9.

I'll probably do a 2nd recruiting push tomorrow then explain the game early next week.

QuadSevens said...

Is that Flo herself batting in the 7 hole for us? Amazing!

Eric Karros said...

Q7, I think I'm the one sniffing glue. That should be Neeebs, not Flo. Flo is above actually participating in the game:

Team Flo:
1. Josh S
2. QuadSevens
4. Dunkhawk
5. Dr Geek
6. Mr C
7. Neeebs
9. MattyA

Good catch.

QuadSevens said...

I'm sure Flo would have been a speedster on our team. Welcome back to the team Neeebs!

John G said...


Neeebs (The Original) said...

Damn EK, you really blew it.

You already exposed the fact that I am a woman and that I am FLO.

How are we going to trick these clowns now? Huh?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I'm the James Loney of the lineup!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Er, I'm Loney in Dusty's lineup. In the sons, I'm Casey Blake/Matt Kemp/Russell Martin.

Felix Pardalis said...


Claude Ely said...


Bobb Caligiuri said...


Unknown said...

DELTALINA all the way!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Like is there really a choice, Deltalina FTW

Unknown said...

Deltalina of course!

Unknown said...

Deltalina hands down!

Unknown said...


Travel Tidbits And Tips said...

I've spent far too much time on Delta planes not to love Deltalina!

Eric Karros said...

Unexpected wave of support for Deltalina after the buzzer.

If Deltalina herself weighs in, I'll count it -

Jason said...

@EK - Looks like Deltalina did weigh in...

She tweeted about this around 11 this morning. Now I'm wondering if she knows I did her proud by winning the whole thing...

Eric Karros said...

I mean, I want her to weigh in here, as opposed to on her twitter...

Unknown said...

If you're a Deltalina fan and you want to show your support, join her Facebook fan page at!/pages/Katherine-Lee-Delta-In-Flight-Safety-Video-Girl/340106668155.

Or, if you don't want to click the link, log on to Facebook and search for "Katherine Lee, Delta In-Flight Safety Video Girl"