Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Insert Alyssa Milano Joke Here

From Dylan Hernandez' "Dodgers FYI" piece in today's LAT:

The way Brad Penny looked throwing 30 pitches over two innings of a simulated game convinced Manager Joe Torre that the opening-day starter could be available in relief Friday.

"I talked to him about coming out of the bullpen," Torre said. "The way we've used the bullpen, the more the merrier."

Torre said Penny would have a "touch and feel" session Wednesday, putting him in line for a return two days later. Torre said Penny would enter games at the start of innings, easing fears that he had of having to warm up multiple times and risking injury.

Hey, with 18 games to go and only a 1.5 game lead: whatever it takes, dude.


Dusto_Magnifico said...

I don't know how anyone hasn't written on Russell Martin's 2 month slump. I could care less about Penny right now. As far as I'm concerned he's just 9 million off the books so we can have Manny next year.

Steve Sax said...

Hey Dusto, about Martin's slump, we did write about it.

I don't think we'll have Penny OR Manny next year (or for that matter, anyone whose name has a **nny construction--except Danny Ardoin)

QuadSevens said...

I'd like to request a "touch and feel" session with Heather Graham. Can we make that happen?

Neeebs (The Original) said...

In a rush this morning.
Gave you the best of what I could squeeze.

[Cryptic message.]

Dusto_Magnifico said...


I guess I just missed it... weird...

Anyway, I can't see how signing Manny is a possibility. With Jones set to make 15+ and Pierre sulking on the bench making 9 million, how would it be possible to have Manny making close to 20, despite his incredibleness...

Here hopes Ned doesn't get the opportunity to make that decision.

Steve Sax said...

neeebs, got your email...that's not a monk! points for effort though...

Steve Sax said...

dusto, sorry for the short email earlier, I was flying between SoSG staff meetings

I'm with you, I'd love Manny, but I doubt we can afford him given all the other dead weight our books carry

Steve Sax said...

quad, it's funny that you mention that, as your suggestion was in the pool of ideas to distribute to the winner of the Off-Day Puzzle #10 Prize. But instead of that, we went with the wristbands.

Enjoy! And don't get the prizes mixed up!