Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What Would You Rather?

What Would You Rather?
Dodgers win division, lose in first round of playoffs
Diamondbacks win division, Ned Colletti fired
Free polls from Pollhost.com


Anonymous said...

I'm torn... I can't bring myself to root against the Dodgers (even for the sake of the long-term), but I really want a new GM. Can we compromise and say the Dodgers win the West with an 85-79 record, lose 3-1 to the Cubs in the first round, and then Ned's fired anyway because it still wasn't good enough? Or is that waaaay too optimistic???

Orel said...

It's hard to believe Ned would be fired after making the playoffs in two of his first three years.

Loney Fan said...

What if the unthinkable happens and we lose the division but keep Ned! Nooooooooooooo

Xeifrank said...

That's a really tough question, but after giving it a tough 10 seconds of thought, I voted for making the playoffs because with McCourt you never know who he will end up hiring. Ng/White would be the obvious pick, but you just never know with McCourt. He might hire Bavasi or someone nearly as bad as Colletti.
vr, Xeifrank

Anonymous said...

The goal of the season should be to win it all, if not go deep into the playoffs. Squeaking by into the postseason because the rest of the division sucks more is not a typical definition of success, at least not at our payroll level. Ergo, Ned gets fired even if we win the West.

Orel said...

I think the Dodgers would settle for winning a playoff series.

Orel said...

The anti-Ned-heads are winning!