Clayton Kershaw (2-3, 3.71) vs. Cole Hamels (9-8, 3.35).
COMMENTS: It's Young Phenom Night at Dodger Stadium! (It's also Joe Beimel Bobblehead Night!) The 20-year-old Kershaw goes against the 24-year-old Hamels for the first! time! ever! The Phillies have never faced Kershaw! The Dodgers have never faced Hamels! Who will blink first? Which team will tee off like it's batting practice? Which team will treat the opposing pitcher like the next coming of Cy Young? And who is the father of Samantha's baby? Stay tuned for tonight's episode of The Young and the Hitless!
Pierre, CF
Kemp, RF
Kent, 2B
Ramirez, LF
Blake, 3B
Nomar, SS
Martin, C
Loney, 1B
Kershaw, P
Welcome back, Nomar! And, um, Pierre...I guess.
I'll be there, collecting my third bobblehead of the season (I have Torre and Penny already). I'll be sitting at field level, very close to Manny. Very exciting. Anyone else going?
Not tonight, Erin, but Sax and I will be there tomorrow. Have fun!
Why o Why is Pierre in the leadoff
You might as well have Ryan Howard kick Kershaw in the nuts at the start of each inning
I think that was Larry Bowa's idea.
I forgot to mention--if you're at the game and you see "Christine, will you marry me?" on the first and third baseline scoreboards after the top of the third, that's my message. Got a ring (a wedding band, not a diamond--that's what she's said she wants) burning a hole in my pocket. Figured Dodger Stadium was the best place to do it.
Oh, and to get her to pay attention, I told her you guys have something funny written up there, so we have to watch to see what it is.
I will not be getting down on one knee or anything. That's a little too gay for me.
Congratulations, Erin! My best wishes!
Utley homered...
WOW ERIN! You ol' romantic, you!
Nomar made a great play on Rollins' grounder in the top of the inning.
Kemp triples, or maybe doubles plus an error.
Erin, I'm glad we could play a tiny role in your proposal.
Blake drives in Kemp! Still "trying" to atone for SF....
If we really bought a funny message at Dodger Stadium, what would it say?
Congrats, Erin! We want all the gory details...
Kemp would be on third with no out if he was batting leadoff...instead, he's on with one out and luckily Blake gets him home. IBB to Manny!
"Cole Hamels with a pool-hall shot that actually hits the bag at third!" —Vin
2-1 Phillies
Rangers 16-Red Sox 15. The Red Sox scored 10 runs in the first inning...
"Consistency, thou art a jewel. Consistency, thou art a Loney." —Vin
16-16 in Boston.
The Dodgers and the Red Sox should win just because Erin is proposing tonight.
19-16 Red Sox.
Let's hope the Dodgers are romantic at heart.
Youkilis with a 3 run-homer, so it's 19-16 to the Red Sox. 35 runs, impressive.
Kershaw already has 50 pitches.
Kershaw not sharp tonight. Kemp helps him out of the third with a nice running catch.
19-17 in Boston! Rangers down to their last out.
Every time Pierre is batting first, it depresses me.
End of the third, so erin could be proposing in any minute, awwwwwwww
Every time Pierre bats, it depresses me.
Every time i see Pierre catching and "trying" to throw a ball, it depresses me...
On this inning, Kershaw was Public Enemy # 1, as expected, 3 Ks.
Cole Hamels is the future version of Clayton Kershaw.
I wonder if Erin is engaged now.
Are you watching the game on TV, Orel?. They usually cover those things.
Have you noticed Kershaw is alaways shaky in the first couple of innings?
Well he certainly seems to be warmed up now. Five consecutive K's.
Too bad Hamels has been just as good, but for longer.
Arizona wins over Rockies, 4-2, on the 8th.
Martin K's on three pitches. He's caught Andruw-itis.
USA female softball owned Venezuela female softball team, they won 12-0. It was a no hit no run.
It could have been worse, but there's the mercy rule and the game was finished on the 5th (i watched after the Dodgers game)
He'll overcome that slump, i know (or wish)
Who are Venezuela's medal hopefuls, Karina?
edit: the score was 11-0.
Good news! She was thoroughly embarrassed (especially because her boss is at the game with us), but happy, and she finally said yes.
Red Sox came through with a win. Now it's up to the Dodgers.
There is a male gymnast and a swimmer. A venezuelan is the panamerican champion on fencing, but she already lost. Same with another woman on taekwondo, she's one of the best in the world, but she lost.
I know someone competing on sailing, but he doesn't have much of a chance to win a medal.
There were 109 venezuelan athletes on this games, which is a record for the country. That's the triumph.
Congratulations again, Erin! Tell Christine she made a great catch :)
Kershaw still rolling....
109 Venezuelan athletes, that's cool.
Pierre singles! Kemp singles!
Kent, it's time to deliver!
Can't hit it much harder than that, Kent. Manny up, two on, one out.
Ariizona is in trouble at Coors Field.
Hammels is pitching too inside to Manny.
Looks like AZ escaped. They still lead 4-2, top 8.
Manny RBI! 3-2 Phillies.
Manny was clapping for himself before he even got out of the batter's box!
Rauch got himself in on the 8th, sadly the Rockies didn't score any runs.
Make that top 9 in Colorado.
I wonder if they'll pitch around Nomar to get to Martin.
Yup. Make 'em pay, Russell!
Rancho Ardiendo, son! you can do it!
Utley robbed Martin. Ugh.
Chase Utley is getting annoying. Diving catch to end the inning.
Annoying was the word i was looking for. Ugh.
I read in a sports newspaper that lots of amateur baseball federations were very mad to the MLB, because their lack of support when baseball was eliminated as an olympic sport for the next Olympics (same as softball).
Bobblehead Beimel is coming in.
Great job, bobblehead Beimel!
Just checked in and saw the post by Erin. Congratulations!!!!
I wonder if the World Baseball Classic had anything to do with that.
Kuo with the fist pump to end the inning!
Matt Kemp is so good.
Gotta love a single to start an inning, hope Mr. Torre is paying attention.
Two on for Manny!
Well Orel, that is what those federations said. They feel MLB wants to promote the World Baseball Classic as the most important international competition.
They allege baseball is little known for most countries in the world and besides the Soccer World Cup, the most important sport competition is the Olympics.
So, if baseball can get some coverage in the Olympics, it could be popularized in another countries and it could generate more profits to the MLB (that's another one of the arguments)
Manny HBP! Rancho Ardiendo for Blake!
Rancho Ardiendo.
Manny wanted some vendetta...
Isn't there an argument to be made that baseball gets lost in the shuffle of all the other Olympic sports? The WBC can try to become the baseball version of the World Cup.
Ok we need to win this one
Game tied!
Tie game! Hamels will not be buying Durbin dinner anytime soon.
Oh Nomar. Welcome back.
Garciaparra GIDP.
If we win tonight I will have the unreasonable expectation that the Dodgers will win this series.
way to go nomar
That's MLB position. They want the WBC to be the equivalent of the World Cup. The Olympics have a downside: the MLB star players won't ever compete there, no one could foresee Martin leaving the Dodgers to play with Team Canada, the Mets wouldn't allow Santana to miss a couple of starts to play for Venezuela, in the middle of August, when the playoffs race is heating up.
However, i do think MLB could make a better job promoting the classic.
Most participants are hand-picked, they are sure Japan, USA, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico and Venezuela are in the tournament, the rest is hand-picked dressing, not like the World Cup classification rounds, that keep people excited for 3 years (i know, as a soccer fan).
As long as NBA players are in the Olympics, all other team sports will be overshadowed.
Sweet pick, Loney!
nomar trying to ruin it
We'll see how the WBC is promoted next year.
Nomar's still preferable to Berroa.
Do you know the FIFA made the deal with the IOC to allow in the Olympics players younger than 23, to avoid Olympics to overshadow the World Cup?
Why wouldn't MLB and the amateur federations work on similar deals, it could be a win-win situation for the entire sport.
Kuo gets out of the jam with Werth stranded at second. All tied up going into the bottom of the ninth...let's see if Russell can get his first hit of the game.
I'm already bitter about it. Miguel cabrera, Carlos Guillen, Magglio Ordonez, Carlos Zambrano and Johan Santana have expressed the desire not to particpate :_(
Martin HBP. At least he started the inning with a base.
Well, that was easy. HBP, on the toe. Russell with a leadoff hbp, on the first pitch.
Hello, Steve!
Delino here. Still recovering from the excitement of checking that red sox score repeatedly on my phone.
Karina. I'm impressed with your balanced and thoughtful assessment of the WBC. I'd love to see baseball in the Olympics, but I also think the WBC has some more potential.
Romero, throw the goddamn ball to the plate.
Loney, that headfirst dive was ridiculous. But at least it wasn't a gidp!
taking a base hit away? Um, doesn't a 1B get paid to field balls like that.
lets get a base hit baby
Even so, Venezuela will still have a great team.
Hello back, karina. Let's see if Andre can do it...
1-0 pitch called for a VERY low strike. Robbery.
Ethier fighting them off.
my baby is crying like a madman. Only a dodgers victory will bring him peace.
Andre has another one of his ridiclously long at-bats...let's hope this one pays off.
Vin recalls the last Ethier walkoff hit...Ethier does it!!!
I love you ethier
Wow, how much did we need that?!
"He's a good looking guy!" —Mrs. Orel re: Ethier
I love Andre Ethier! let's go blueeeee!
how wonderful this game? a walkoff single in an engagement night. Erin can't complain!
That was awful nice of JC Romero, the Phils pitcher, to move Ethier's bat out of the way of a charging Martin at the plate.
Thank God for Ethier, too--Sweeney was up next!
And it was indeed cool to see Kemp out to congratulate Andre first!
great half inning of baseball. G;night you princes of CA, you kings of LA.
So, Mrs. Orel and Karina's mom do think Ethier is handsome. But he's a better player than his looks.
and princess, Delino.
Okay, Psycho is driving me nuts, so I'm off to play Wii Mario Kart. Good night everybody!
Congrats, Erin and Christine!
See you tomorrow night, Orel!
Erin, you should propose during every remaining game on the homestand, just to be safe.
Looking forward to it!
Just a random piece of trivia, since we're talking about Olympics and baseball: baseball and softball were eliminated as olympic sports for two votes.
It is suspected that England didn't want to put a team that could get very owned, like Greece in the last games.
Federations fought and that's where MLB could have done something.
The team should do something about it. Players love recognition for their achievements of the real fans, during game time.
Pierre seemed somewhat subdued during the post-game celebration....
...That's because ethier's gwrbi means jp is sitting his signature quickness butt again. Sorry, Juan, but it's for the good of the team...
This was one exciting game with a great finish.
You picked a great game to propose at Erin. Congrats!
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