And even though I can spend an entire week only quoting Homer Simpson, it doesn't mean I want him on a baseball diamond (softball episode excluded).
I realize my new friend Frank McCourt has to pay off those lack of renovations and traffic cops somehow, but this can only lead us down the thorniest of paths. I lost my mind at the Ohio St - Miami Fiesta Bowl when Buckeye great Eddie George was introduced next to Jarod from Subway, prompting one woman thirty rows away to defend that jagoff. So if I see "The Love Guru," "Storm Shadow," or "Henry (Mutt) Jones III" toss a pitch, I'm storming the field. (Unless Sax takes me to a game... then I'll behave).
I was at the game when Homer threw out the first pitch and it just didn't feel right. I mean, Homer at a baseball game, sober? He should have had a few $12 beers in him and chased Bart around the field. At least that would have been more entertaining than a poor pitch.
To quote Homer watching baseball for the first time sober: "I can't believe how boring this game is"
Sometimes the line between classy and tacky is oh so thin.
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