From ESPN's spring trining blog, some thoughts on Larry Bowa taking the mantle over at third base, rather than the poorly-calculating Rich Donnelly, who would send Dodgers to their dooms:
"We damn sure needed it last year. Fourth place," Penny said. "You need somebody to push you. You know Bowa's doing it for your benefit. I loved watching him in Philly."
Penny is fond of former manager Grady Little, but believes L.A. would have been better off had Little or someone on his coaching staff come down harder on the players when mental mistakes were made.
"If we make stupid mistakes, something will be said," said Bowa, 62. "I don't hold grudges, but I get stuff off my chest. I didn't come over here to finish third. I came over here to play in October."Dodgers ace Brad Penny is eager to see new third base coach Larry Bowa get in somebody's face, even if it's his own.
I don't know if the reason Brad didn't feel pushed by Little was due to Little's lackadaisical, stoic managing style, or due to the fact that Penny would bite Grady's head off when he came to the mound. In any event, I'm glad that Penny is psyched for Bowa; Penny ain't that bad of a hitter, and with his girth one better make sure he makes it home cleanly (for the Dodgers', and the catcher's, sakes).
Penny ain't that bad of a hitter, and with his girth one better make sure he makes it home cleanly (for the Dodgers', and the catcher's, sakes)
I don't know. It might not be a bad idea, just in case Brian McCann hits more like 2006 and gets an early lead on Martin . . .
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