Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Thanks to Thoughts

Jon Weisman's excellent Dodgers blog, Dodger Thoughts (part of the Baseball Toaster network), was kind enough to add Sons of Steve Garvey to its sidebar. Having admired Dodger Thoughts for years and even celebrated Weisman's deserved publicity, we at SoSG are appreciative and honored by the mention. Dodger Thoughts has a great bench corps of commenters who riff on anything and everything, and we hope to someday have a readership as vocal and insightful as DT's.

In the meantime, we will strive to keep bringing you riffs on all things Dodgers (and the occasional random post). Weisman, in his email back to us, noted that we "sure are prolific." Hey, we're only two months into it, so who knows how sustainable this is. But we're trying to make up for mediocre quality with multiple helpings of fodder, sort of like Todai restaurant, I suppose.

Drop a comment or email and tell us how we're doing, or we'll start adding those green onions from Taco Bell.

Oh yeah, and Go Cardinal!


Orel said...

Thanks, Jon!

vr, Orel