Graphic by The Conman. See the story behind it here.
Clayton Kershaw (1-1, 4.42) vs. Madison Bumgarner (1-1, 5.29)
I'm going to pretend that yesterday's game never happened. One because we lost. Two, because I was working until 1am last night and never saw any of the game. So, lets start all over again and begin a new winning streak. And we have the perfect guy to do it with the NL MVP going against the WS MVP (the first time in history those two award winners have been opposing starters in the same game per the mlb app). So fire up all of those illegal streaming pages and VPN websites to watch the boys in blue! Oh and here are some male asses that Karen wanted.
Not sure you meant to post this early, but if it works, I say we go with it.
Whoops. Yeah I hit publish a little early. Sorry. Well we need new mojo so hopefully it works. Sounds like yesterday was all error filled.
Thanks AC...Not exactly what I had in mind but if it works.......
Added a graphic to the top. Hope you don't mind, AC.
Ohh. Nice graphic!!
why the fuck is this game not on the telly?
i'm infuriated.
Rollins SS
Turner 1B
Puig RF
Kendrick 2B
Van Slyke LF
Heisey CF
Uribe 3B
Ellis C
Kershaw LHP
The twitter suggestions and delivery are hilarious! Nicely done.
...on the new game thread image that is.
gnomes image is epic. it got my enthusiasm for the game and my hate for the Gnats flowing big time
I'm jumping on the Guerrero wagon. Why is he not in there. He's right handed and scortching the ball better than Uribe. I'll give up an error in the field with Kershae pitching. Free AG?
Go Kershaw boo giants
We got the reigning Cy Young, MVP Winner starting, We got the tight male asses and we got the HATE. The force is with us.
Things escalated with the GT image just a tad.
haha. Nic Cage. WTF?
for you pirates like me
puig single. two out
no Agone. No Pederson. WTF Muttingly? Do you wanna win?
123 for K
garlic fries and chardonnay sighting
Ellis sucks.
Garlic fries...Yum!!
great catch
123 second for K
would Bruce Jenner's boobs be considered man boobs or lady boobs? just a thought.
booze status: cherry flavor-aid. being sober never felt so good.
score some runs dammit
Not sure where Bruce's boobs fall in the big picture here...however, if they get us a win I say go for it.
@ karen
just thinking ahead in case the donkey butts don't work
sack up,Kershaw
Am I just completely jaded by Kid K's magnificence or are these nervous feelings I'm having legit??
Really ready for Kershaw to heat up this season.
fucker number 2 scores.
i really fucking hate it when the opposition scores on rinky dink hits and shit like force outs.
Joc snarches that, no?
it's not like they are hitting Kershaw hard
is AGone hurt?
Man I really hate the giants
why can't catchers hit? they should be the best hitters because of their position if you ask me.
What is all of this 'resting' shit that Muttingly has going on?? It's GAME FOURTEEN of the freaking season. Remember back in the day if a ballplayer was injured he'd toss some dirt on it and give it a good spit and suit the fuck up.
i'm sad.
fucking Turner. fucking Muttingly
i'm sure if Muttingly was managing the Yanks he would put his best team out against the Red Sox no matter what. he ain't a real Dodger. fuck rest.
double play. strike out caught stealing styles
siddown diablo
Spank put that 'a' back in your name for Alex muh fukin Guerrero!!
Dat bat flip tho
hjoly shit, we scored?! Guerrero?!
God damn right A-Guone!
Yay we scored
Thanks for that feed, Spank. Works perfectly.
Not only did we score but we tied her up mofos!!
I'll say it again. Free AG.
Oh and yes that bat flip was epic too.
De nada,Dusty.
Yimsters out. Paco is in.
Steve Dilbeck is still pulling for us to lose
Dillbeck couln't yank his own dillbeck.
I know I'm late to this but ALEX FUCKING GUERRERO!!!
clench time
beautiful pitch right there.
Sergio Romo. The pride of Brole. Fuck him.
Ethier done nearly gave me a heart attack on that catch.
pacing time. i know it's early in the season but my Gnat hate runs deep and 24/7.
here comes AGone!!
Anyone remember the time when kemp hit what he thought was a home run and Davey Lopes high fives him? Was kemp called out for interference with the first base coach? If so shouldn't it apply to when Kelly physically held up the runner at third? Mattingly had a point there.
As shitty as that blown call was, AGon grounding out on the first pitch after a four pitch walk hurts more.
We are getting screwed by the umps in this series. Game 1 they missed the catcher's interference call on Puig. That would have loaded the bases for AGon. Instead Puig pops out to end the inning. Game 2 they screwed us twice. Aoki was well out of the baseline on that pick off and the third base coach literally held up the runner. I'm kinda glad I can't watch today's game. Who knows how we'll get screwed today.
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