Clayton Kershaw (0-0, 0.00) vs. Michael Wacha (0-0, 0.00).
While not technically an elimination game, for us panicky Dodger fans today's game is a real okole squeezer. But if anyone's going to lead us through this mess, it's Matt Kemp Clayton Kershaw, who can probably earn an extra $100 million on his contract by winning today ($200 million if he hits the go-ahead homer like on opening day).
Maybe a day game following a night game is the best way to clear our palates, so prepare for the jump to lightspeed, never tell me the odds, and always let the Wookiee win!
1 – 200 of 309 Newer› Newest»Crawford 7
MEllis 4
Ramirez 6
Gonzalez 3
Puig 9
Uribe 5
Schumaker 8
AJEllis 2
Kershaw 1
Gotta start hitting.
Let the Wookie win, but not the Wacha!
Waka, waka!
Donnie: HanRam a little iffy and may be scratched. #Robs
I want Kersh to stick Beltran in the fucking robs so bad the ball comes out the other side, bloodied.
So Whacha Whacha Whacha want?!?
Get a painkiller Hanley! It's the playoffs!!
Morning Beasties!!! Love it.
Exactly, Paul. HanRam should take some of whatever drugs Puig was on last night, but try to have a more controlled buzz. Orange juice could help.
gotta keep pitching
Gotta start drinking. I'm superstitious like a mofo during playoffs for my teams. During the NLDS on games I did not booze while i watched (1,3,4) Dodgers won and games I boozed (2) Dodgers lost.
So i continued the winning formula for 13 innings last night but the dodgers were on a mission to lose.
today i'm going flip it and booze it up during the game. Hopefully that does the trick and if it don't and the Dodgers lose well at least i'll be drunk unlike last night when i went out back and soberly destroyed shit after the loss.
good times.
mega-annoying "best fans in baseball" at the bar last night. we kept generally quiet but they were barking and chirping all night. One guy kept coming over and subtly testing me on my fandom, to see if I was a real fan. He did end up buying us shots though
what made me the maddest about last night was that we would get guys to third with less than 2 outs and couldn't get them home, even with a measly sac fly or groundout. We gotta execute better
For today's game Neeebs will be at the Night Ranger show in Del Mar.
Checking in from my local cantina, Vinny! #SoSGFestIIILocation #Cadillacs
Nice one, Spank!
I thought Poison was tonight, Night Ranger on Sunday.
Preach it, Spank! Lead the way.
Spanky is my brother from Neeebs' mother.
Okay, deep breaths everyone. We WILL win today. That's a statement, not a prediction.
BJK with the confidence booster.
This team has heart. They will comeback. Need A Gon to find his swing.
While playing.
Orale, Orel! Well played.
I agree with and appreciate BJ's optimism.
On the other hand, it seems cruel that for all our success this season, we could be looking at an 0-2 hole within a 24-hour period here in the NLCS.
getting nervous and antsy
not to pile on, but "we could be looking at an 0-2 hole within a 24-hour period here in the NLCS" and then have to face Wainwright in game three with Ryu or Ricky
fuck that - i just hope we win today
Thanks, Dust. My cynicism is hampering my ability to enjoy the playoffs.
My cynicism is hampering my ability to enjoy life
OK time to get some drinking supplies
Dokken tonight. I'mmmm Breaking the Chains.
Flaming Menudos accoustic tomorrow. I'm breaking out the accordian.
Hanley scratched.
Hanley's out. I'm over being nice. Hit Butttran in the face now.
Curious to see if Clayton's gonna plunk any Cards today.
Just had my best run this year. Nerves man.
Bring it Dodgers!
Just realized the two Dodger wins at home I had my dad's jersey on, right shoulder only. Fuck need to rush home.
I'm not filled with confidence with no HanRam even with Kershaw pitching.
Still confident. Just added pissed to the mix. Donnie better do right today.
Putting on my unwashed mojo shirt from NLDS Games 3 and 4. Work it, Dodgers!
LF Crawford
2B Ellis
1B Gonzalez
RF Puig C
3B Uribe
CF Schumaker
C Ellis
SS Punto
P Kershaw
Good mojo audible, Sax.
Never unchaaaaaain the night.
ED ads already?
This ump blows too!
Drinking red bull???
Fat strike zone today. Hope Kershaw gets those calls.
Find your feet MEllis!
redbull and vodkas for Mr and Mrs FB
AG's off
here comes the low and away changeup
Puig has been laying off the fattest fastballs.
Good call not starting Hanley, Donnie. Not like we're fighting for our fucking lives or anything here. This isn't game fucking 132 against the Cubs, this is the playoffs. Godfuckingdammit I'm pissed.
I like Cliff B.
Joe Kelly takes HanRam out of todays game. I'm not going to be happy until I see some red bird blood. Preferably Beltran blood.
you know there's no way the fundamentally sound Cards don't get him home from third
What the fuck did that piece of shit announcer say?
This sucks. Come on Kershaw buckle down.
One more Kersahw!
Sit down, Holliday!
Stick a sock in it,Cal.
It's the first inning and already my stomach is sick.
gotta keep wriggling off hooks!
And fuck your leadoff triple, bitches!
That wasn't Cardinal Baseball
Thanks pretty little pony!
@Paul...It was Kershaw baseball.
Fuck yeah, Kershaw!
Fucking dork in your stupid ass clothes.
Pretty soon it'll be Donnie baseball.
Of course the guy who went 0-6 last night is batting cleanup.
Surprised that ball in the dirt wasn't a strike. It's like this ump has fish eye lenses
Camera is shit. Fix the lighting
Shit Hanley probably out rest of series.
Hanley has left the park to get x-rays. So...cracked rib?
So he is out for the season.
Looks like Hanley could be done. Off for X-rays.
turning back the clock to May
Hanley going for X-rays. I hate STL even more
Dodgers really need to lay on a big hurt on Beltran. Knock his fucking ass out of the series.
Bc Kelly didn't do it on purpose.
Nonetheless, I still want some of their guys fucking stuck in the robs.
I'm thinking back To Gibson in '88. He had only the one at bat.
Absolutely no energy in this Dodger side as they have the field. Think they know they're stymied?
Who will be our Gibson off the bench?
A Gon needs to wake up. Puig too of we are screwed.
great inning, Clayton
Dusty...He's not off the bench, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm thinking maybe Uribe is going to be our hero.
*Don't laugh at me*
It's not like we made it to the World Series and just need a momentum changer for a few more games. It's only the NLCS and Hanley's out and Puig's slumping. So, fuck.
Don't know if Frank Thomas swings that way but if he does lay him on Beltran.
I'd never laugh at you Karen!
Get a hit you little runt.
Punto is garbage.
Punto not happy
I'm hoping HanRam just needs some duct tape and spit.
Come on Crawford. We need a hit.
Puig looking like we're down 10-0
This feels like a 1-0 game that we lose.
Puig, you're supposed to be our lightning rod--stop looking like a child who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas.
keep grinding, fellas
Last night felt like a game we were going to win all night long and that didn't end well. This one just feels like we're gonna lose and we have Kershaw on the mound. How did we get here? Oh right, Mattingly still has a job.
Eh if Puig was smiling people would say he doesn't care.
Shadows, everyone. Shadows.
Funny thing is we know that having the best pitcher on the mound does mean a win if your offense sucks. We saw it over and over again this year. I'm hoping we get a break here soon.
great inning, kid!
I'm going with Paul's way of thinking. We CAN win this. Kid K on the mound and minimal offense and we get the W.
Hit it to Holliday!
SÃ, se puede
Puig isn't swinging at any of the fastballs. At least not the ones in the middle of the plate.
that's a wrap for Puig.
half a McDonalds arch
Puig is thinking too much...let the wild horse be FREE!
call that you chicken!
Nice turn!
cmon, kid, find it
wow - nice stop, Uribe
good job, kid
Nice DP and a nice stop by Uribe.
Have to step out of this one. Our cat just had a seizure so we're having to rush off to vet. Come on, baseball and pet gods, cut me a break!
You watch the ED commercials differently when you know every guy in them has a boner at that moment.
Especially the guy who was just presented with a giant plate of nachos
Good luck, Dusty! Hope everything works out!
attaboy, AJ!
howabout a little 2-out lightning!
Oh man, Dusty, sorry to hear that. Hope everything's OK.
cmon Nick, harness the power of DeVito!
Lets raise that RISP avg Punto!
Dusty...Keep us updated on your kitty. You know how I am about the critters. Lots of thoughts and love coming your way.
Right down the middle.
Punto was praying for the walk
so was I actually
Kershaw is going to have to hit a homerun.
This Wacha kid really has stepped up. Fuck why can't we get that? Instead we have nervous Ryu.
what the hell, AJ
Ellis is gonna have to work on the passed ball thing before next season.
that is unacceptable
I should have gone to see Duran Duran with Neeebs.
Sorry to hear it, Dusty, that really sucks. Best of luck to you and lady Dustys. And the kitty, of course.
I hear Poison is coming to town, maybe Neeebs can get us tickets.
or Roberto Roberto, the cover band
Win one for Dusty's cat!
I' not sure if we will score today.
fuck I knew Carl can't throw but fuck
goddammit ump
Cardinals score a run. Game over.
goddamn passed ball
We need a break. An error, a lucky hit. Something!
This is miserable. Should I be enjoying this? Just checking.
Ellis needs to make up for that, should still be 0-0.
Nice Kershaw!
that's a start
We got a break!!!
there's the break, Paully!
Have to score!!!
What a dumbass play by Carpenter. He wasn't gonna get him at second anyways.
Focus boys.
not scoring here is unacceptable
Well crap
You can do this Puig.
Rancho ardiendo for the Wild Horse.
Please channel that frustration into a hit. Please.
come on come on come on
Great time for Puig to break out of this slump.
Gather yourself, kid. Come on.
Focus kid.
Fuck you ump!!
that was a fucking ball you blind motherfucker
go home ump you're drunk
Get your shit together Cardinals.
We aren't gonna score are we?
Cripes Puig
We stink.
Ellis is a big choke artist. Both of them.
god I hate this cardinals underdog shit
May as well be the 2009 squad out there. Bring in Broxton to get J-Rolled again.
Oh, and Kershaw spent the entire inning on the basepaths.
Puking out my guts in the bathroom
This ineptitude...I can't take it.
@Cliff, we'll have to get a lead to get rolled again
Only good news is Wacha's pitch count is up.
Just took my BP. 139 over 93. I'm not kidding
fuckaduck this is making me madder and madder
how many guys have we had at third with less than 2 outs in the last 15 innings?
I've never felt worse for a player than I have for Kershaw. Kid should have 100 wins by now.
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