Wednesday, October 09, 2013

NLDS Clincher Photos (Part 3)

Thanks to Scott Killeen for the photos!

Earlier NLDS Clincher Photos from Scott Killeen: Part 1, Part 2


Hideo Nomo said...

LOVE the closeup of the lineup card. I can make out the matchups vs. relievers. Not sure what the other notes mean.

Anonymous said...

Who can decipher Honeycutts numbers on his cheat seat?

Anonymous said...


Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

I'm no handwriting expert, but Honeycutt makes fancy K's

Hideo Nomo said...

Far left column: vs. Kershaw?

Second column: R/L splits

Notes by batting order: Dunno

Notes by names: vs. relievers (B=Belisario, W=Wilson, JP=Howell, P=Paco, CW=Withrow, J=Jansen) I see an "FB" in there too. Fred's Brim?

The rest? Unintelligible.

Fred's Brim said...

That may be me on there. Honey does call me to review the pitch sequence gameplan for the first time through the lineup.

It may also be: