Wednesday, October 09, 2013

NLDS Clincher Photos (Part 1)

Thanks to Scott Killeen for the photos!


Steve Sax said...

Awesome shots. Can't wait for the rest of the series!

Hey, if anyone is around to listen, Don Mattingly is on the Dan Patrick show in the final hour (8a-9a PT). I can't listen in...

Dusty Baker said...

I should be driving to work in that time frame. Will try to suffer that arrogant bastard Patrick to hear what Donnie has to say.

BJ Killeen said...

Heard the show: Greinke will start Game 1, Kersh Game 2, then the discussion will follow for the next games...Donnie was more animated and alive than I have ever heard him. He actually was laughing...

He also said on the decision to pitch Kershaw, that if you have two bullets, why wait until a later time to fire one. if they needed the second bullet (Greinke), they could use it.

Hideo Nomo said...

If you have 6 outs left, why wait til later to use them up?

Steve Sax said...

@Gnomes: cc: Gonzalez, Fredi

Hideo Nomo said...

Nah, Sax, I'm cool with him not getting that memo.