I'll let you figure out which is which.
Adam Wainwright (19-9. 2.94) vs. Jon Lester (15-8, 3.75).
Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general.
4/3 vs. SF (W, 5-4): Sax
4/15 vs. WSH (L, 4-6): Dusty, Orel, Sax
5/6 vs. MIA (W, 6-3): AC, Sax
5/16 vs. CIN (L, 2-7): AC, Sax
6/12 vs. TEX (L, 2-3): Sax
7/5 vs. MIL (W, 8-5): Sax
7/21 vs. BOS (W, 9-6): Sax
7/24 vs. SF (L, 3-8): Sax
8/24 vs. TB (L, 8-9 (10)): Sax
8/29 vs. BAL (W, 6-3): Orel, Sax
9/9 vs. CHC (L, 4-10): Sax
10/5 NLDS G1 vs. SD (W, 7-5): Sax
10/6 NLDS G2 vs. SD (L, 2-10): Orel, Sax
10/25 WS G1 vs. NYY (W, 6-3 (10)): Sax
So, we've been reduced to dick pics, eh?
Don't get me wrong, my undying allegiance goes towards my hometown Dodgers.
By I have an uncle from Boston and a father from Seattle, so I've been partial to their two teams.
By proxy, go Sox.
Fox is going to the Mattingly press conference that is still ongoing. "I also don't like bubblegum we have here. We need big league chew...and jolly ranchers no not watermelon".
Even before the playoffs started it felt like an AL year. The Red Sox will probably win, they have the better pitching.
Yeah didn't feel like the 08 ,09 Philly bitch slap to our bullpen. We just sucked.
Beltran out with a rob injury. Karma police are in full force.
And pissed that the Wainwright meltdown couldn't have been in Game 7 of the NLCS.
Come on, you Red Sox!
Fuck the Cardinals!
Hope you have broken robs and a collapsed lung, shitheel Beltran!
Dusty checking in.
I'm with Dusty. Not watching. Don't want to give advertisers any air time. I hope a nomad hive of bees land in their nasty beards and causes much bodily pain to the Bosox. Then, as they're running around and screaming like little girls trying to escape the bees, they run over the Cards and break their legs. #notbitterDodgersFanforlife
Bottom of the 7th. Red Sox up 5-0. Randy Choate in for Shards.
Choate out after recording one out.
Maybe if Mattingly's panties weren't in a wad, he'd realize that an NL bench coach long on experience would go a long way towards helping him be a better in-game manager. Everyone seems to think he's good with the team's egos and whatnot.
i do not give a flying fuck who wins. i'm not watching one second. both teams can kiss my fat hairy ass.
I am with spank on this one, although I won't be kissing any asses unless he grooms a little bit better
If someone has to win, I hope it's the Cardinals, and then they get nailed for rampant cheating, like mic-ing the opponents dugouts or lacing the other teams' budweisers with ingredients like fucking rice!
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