Friday, October 04, 2013

Let's Watch Some Scoreboards

We have day baseball to take our minds off our game before it starts.

10:07am (e.g., now) - Pirates at Cardinals

12:07pm - Rays at Red Sox

Image: Courtesy of here


Dusty Baker said...

Pie Rats up 1-0 early.

Paul said...

Go non-Cardinals!

Dusty Baker said...

3-0 Bucs now in bottom 3rd.

Dusty Baker said...

I do not hate to see Shards losing.

Let's root for a 5-game series, with lots of extra innings and everyone getting really tired and sore.

Paul said...

Throw in some horrendous rain delays.

Dusty Baker said...

And dugout turmoil coupled with a player/manager dustup that escalates publicly.

Dusty Baker said...

Our lineup will be the same as last night, sub Greinke for Kershaw. Nice, Donnie. I like it. #ATeam

MR.F said...

I'm in the process of switching anti-depressants. I hope the new ones can do something soon because I'd really like to find a small bit of happiness in this:

Paul said...

Maybe a sharktopus attack as well.

Dusty Baker said...

Hang in there, Mr. F. We need you down the stretch!

Dusty Baker said...

That was, shall we say, a pretty feminine reaction from Lynn after giving up that GR double. GIF time!

Hideo Nomo said...

Is this one of your non-working Fridays, DB? Lucky bastard.

Dusty Baker said...

Indeed, Nomo! Approximately how many Cadillacs should I drink on your behalf during my lunch?

Dusty Baker said...

5-1 Bucs after a HR from (some dude on Cards - I had turned away).

Hideo Nomo said...

Drink two for me. The last one should be consumed right before you leave, just when everyone thinks the drinkin's over.

Hideo Nomo said...

Yadi homered.

Dusty Baker said...

Will do, Nomo!

Dusty Baker said...

6-1 Pitts now

Steve Sax said...

Can't believe the Pirates struck back so soundly in game 2

Orel said...

Rays can't hold on to a lead.

Dusty Baker said...

Red Sox can smell a pounding coming on. 5-2 now, and all the momentum.

Dusty Baker said...

7-2 now. Have the Rays ever seen the Green Monster before?

Dusty Baker said...

Make that 8-2.