Thursday, October 03, 2013

Finish The Limerick

It's been awhile since we've rolled one of these out. I figured it was past time to do so. You know what to do, kids!

The playoffs are here; we've come a long way,
Indeed quite a lot has happened since May;
[Pick a player] _________________,
[Pick another player] _________________,
And Puig ________________________!

The West we did rule,
Despite injuries cruel;

Previous rounds can be found here.



QuadSevens said...

The playoffs are here; we've come a long way,
Indeed quite a lot has happened since May;
Greinke got better,
The D-Bags are bitter,
And Puig's bat flips are here to stay.

The West we did rule,
Despite injuries cruel;
Uribe was a surprise,
He ate his weight in french fries,
The hidden ball trick made him look like a fool.

Hollandsworth said...

The playoffs are here; we've come a long way,
Indeed quite a lot has happened since May.
Though Kemp limped in pain,
and Dre's ankle did sprain,
Puig's power made the city go cray.

The West we did rule,
Despite injuries cruel;
We beat the division,
and ignored the derision,
and we defiled some old D-Bag's pool.

spank said...


Fred's Brim said...

good stuff, Todd!

Dusty Baker said...

Good stuff, Spank!

Dusty Baker said...

We'll said, Q7 and Hollandsworth. I totally set up a pool rhyme possibility.