Two out of three in Colorado, with a potent offensive output in all three games.
Two out of three in San Francisco, including a Friday blowout and a Sunday ninth-inning dagger from AJ Ellis.
Sweep in Arizona against the division leader, capped by a gritty extra-inning come-from-behind victory last night, narrowing the gap to 1.5 games out of first place.
That's 7 of 9, baby!
Now we're back at home for four against third-place Colorado. It's almost a pity, at this stage, that there's an All-Star Break. I don't want this momentum to end!
*rubs one out*
Spank is still around!
Now does anyone know how is Stubbs' rash?
I got brought back in by the awesomeness that is Jeri Ryan.
Los Angeles Dodgers @Dodgers 3m
Send us your phone number with #VotePuig and @YasielPuig will call one of you.
So Jheri Ryan was just a ploy to get us to read the post???
Well played Sax; well played.
A Jheri curl, so to speak.
David Vassegh @THEREAL_DV 2m
Reports of Puig blowing off Luis Gonzalez completely false I was standing 20 feet away and saw shake hands just had no clue who he was
When will we find out who won?
MLB Network is trying to answer the question "Is Yasiel Puig giving himself a bad reputation?", while showing the home-plate "collision" with that D'backs catcher fromt eh other night.
Calm down, guys.
So that's it for Puig's all-star chances:
It's a conspiracy!!!!!!!!
Fuck the national media. Fuck sports talk radio. Fuck Luis Gonzalez.
Apparently he went on the radio and said a "he needs to learn respect" comments about Puig.
Gonzo needs to check his ego. He's no Mariano Rivera when it comes to "show some respect."
So who's leg do we have to break to get Puig into the game?
Players vote on replacements, so we can't break a veteran's leg since that would be "disrespectful".
I keep cumming back to Jeri Ryan
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