Puzzle Rules: The solution to the puzzle is a Dodger All-Star Pitcher. Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:
- Send me an Email with "PCS" somewhere in the subject line, containing the first and last name of the players, along with your reasoning. Submitted answers without the reasoning, or those submitted with the incorrect reasoning, will count for participation only, even if the answer itself is correct. And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
- Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. We may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; we may confirm correct answers there.
Holy smokes, this looks complicated
Answe se...LOL no.
(stares blankly into the sky)
I don't think this one is complicated once you know what you're looking at. Try using this site or this one to get your bearings. Google Sky works, too.
Is this also the postgame thread?
Whatever floats your boat, Mr. F. I'm certainly qualified to offer commentary on lackluster performances.
Hmmm...I have a list. Now time to try and crack the code or something.
Answer sent!
It appears that 7777 has provided the correct answer.
This is one I know I could crack if I had the time. I'm not going to peek at the eventual answer so I can solve it on my own time.
Given my recent lack of success posting timely solve pages, you're probably safe for a while, DB.
Answer sent!
With the extra time, I will try to work on this.
Midnight on Saturday means... 11:59PM Sat/12:00AM Sun, right?
If you find a suitable answer to that quandary, let me know, Mr. F.
Mr. F / Jason:
Yes. The end of Saturday, beginning of Sunday.
The logical incongruity of midnight of one night being the first moment of the next day drives me slightly nuts. Of course, 99% of the world drives me nuts which may explain the drinking.
Jason is close enough to the mark to count as good. Clarifying response sent.
We are all born in the darkness before the day.
Stubbs! How's your mental state?
I'm with Stubbs on that one...
Shit dude, I'm an English major. When you gonna have a contest with verbs, and adverbs, and dangling participles?
Shit dude, I'm an English major. When you gonna have a contest with verbs, and adverbs, and dangling participles?
Answer sent! Thanks Stubbs, this one was pretty cool.
There is a small bug where the last two letters of the solution are transposed. Regardless, the meaning and solution should still be evident, but it just proves I'm an idiot, so I think I'll just leave it in.
That's deep, mang.
Mental state is a bit scattered (For reasons. Many of them good but time-consuming.)
To nobody's surprise, ubragg brings the goods.
You sure went to great lengths to prove you're an idiot.
It's what I do, Dusty.
It's what I do.
Answer sent.
Also, I forgot to post this on friday night's PGT but this happened...
Best. Seats. Ever.
Sweet, Alex! Let us know how your experience was.
S'up folks? Y'all been good? Wait... I already know Spanky's answer.
I'll send pictures when I get a chance! Sitting in those seats, running into Mr. Tommy Lasorda at the carving station in the Dugout Club buffet, HEARING Clayton's laser beams SMACK AJ's mitt - twas a magical day.
too bad we lost.
@Alex: why am I not surprised tommy was at the carving station...
...was Uribe there too?
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