Friday, July 26, 2013

Frozen Beer Foamy Goodness

Video from foodbeastTV.

This demands an SoSG taste test. A frozen foam-topped beer that stays cold for 30 minutes? According to Fox Sports West:

The foam is made from Kirin beer and goes through a process called "frozen agitation" in which air is blown in the beer as it's stirred and chilled to 23 degrees Fahrenheit. A special frozen beer foam machine is used to create the foam. [...]

Frozen beer was introduced last year in Japan but is only available in the U.S. at Think Blue Bars on the loge and field level at Dodger Stadium and at the Chaya's Summer Beer Garden downtown and Katsuya at the Americana at Brand in Glendale.

Who's going to take a bullet and be the first to try one of these foamy beers? SoSG wants to know!


Dusty Baker said...

I would have had I been able to locate one on loge level last night. However, I refuse to believe that the absolute booger-eating moron who couldn't even pour a Sam Adams at the concession stand (Galo was his name) could be trusted to be able to pull off this foam-topped beer gambit.

Hideo Nomo said...

I don't know. I think my brain would want it to taste like vanilla ice cream, leading to disappointment.

I'll still try it next game I go to, though.

Dusty Baker said...

I'm pretty sure my brain would want it to taste

Hideo Nomo said...

I have the brain of a fat guy.

The body too, actually.

Hideo Nomo said...

Also, who can't finish their beer in under 30 minutes?

Dusty Baker said...

Great question, Gnomes. It's never happened to me.

John G said...

Diamond and I tried it last night. They are at the loge level bar in RF (the one with the only good beer selection in the stadium). It was pretty cool. And it was pretty cold. It was also $9 and pretty small. If it was a option at a place for like 2/3 the price I'd be all over it again because it was fun.

Steve Sax said...

Dammit, I forgot to try it last night