Monday, July 01, 2013

Frankrupt Hops on the Puig Train

When you're hot, everybody wants a piece of you. A virtual cottage industry has sprung up around Yasiel Puig's success, and Frankrupt has joined in. Check 'em out:


Hideo Nomo said...

Twitter buddy EephusBlue also designed one. It's pretty spectacular.

Steve Sax said...

The varying thickness of the "Yasiel" script seems a little too extreme. The Dodgers script logo also has varying thickness, but I don't think it gets that thin anywhere in the logo. The Yasiel one just looks a little off.

Man Bear is pretty funny however.

Hideo Nomo said...

The last one would look better as just MVPuig.

Steve Sax said...

@Gnomes: totally agree. Not sure why the periods were shoved in there

Hideo Nomo said...

I've also been mulling the nickname BlitzPuig, but it doesn't quite flow right.