There's a online puzzle hunt this weekend called "Intercoastal Altercations", and we need to form a team. Mr. Customer and I are already working on the pre-clue puzzles--which have a baseball theme!--this week (we have four of seven done). But we could use your help.
If you're interested, go to this site and register to sign up. You can see the Sons of Steve Garvey team and apply to join; once you're in, you'll also have access to the googledocs site that we're using to track our progress.
Thanks in advance, braniacs--
PS. Please send us an email if you're waiting to join and you haven't been granted access yet...
My Saturday is looking full, but I'll sign up anyway and pitch in if I can.
OK, signed up. Had to use "Josh SoSG" since "Josh S." was taken.
Josh S, LoneyFan, you both should have access to the team and the googledocs file. Please check both
I signed up. I almost thought about signing up for Sons of Tamarkin, but changed my mind when I realized it wasn't Peter "Press Your Luck" Tomarken.
Don't know if I'll have time to actually be able to do anything to help, but I'll try!
How do I access the pre-puzzles? I click on the "Let's Play" link and all I get is the list of teams.
Clearly, I'm not smart enough to participate.
Nevermind. Had to log out and log back in.
This is the "warm-up?"
*stares blankly*
Just like last weekends P&A puzzles, I'm not going to be available most of Saturday. I'll try to get in later if I'm sober-ish.
Jason, drunk puzzling is good puzzling.
I have decided to contribute to this effort by not signing up.
You're welcome.
When your brains start to hurt and you need a break, check out this site for a laugh.
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