Friday, April 01, 2011


Welcome brothers and sisters to the World of Jimbo. You are now part of the Empire. If you have not already memorized the Manifesto, do so NOW.

New Jimbo's often feel the need to share their feelings about being a Jimbo. You may do this in three ways:

  1. You may call the Jimbo Hotline 1-360-TO-JIMBO and leave a voice message describing your feelings. Assuming we figure out the technology, we may post your voice message later.
  2. You may submit your Jimbo profile and Ridiculum Vitae. These may also be posted later (we will not post your email address).
  3. You can simply write us to


Godspeed and Hey Jimbo!


Greg Hao said...

I think I prefer last year's better.

Just saying.

Josh S. said...

I have a total Jimboner right now.

Eric Karros said...

@non-Jimbo 7:23am - Gee, we'll try to do better next time.

Shit, I just violated rule #1 of Hey Jimbo - don't talk to the non-Jimbo's.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Silly Non Jimbo

Kyle Baker said...

Fuuuuuuuuuck........wha-I wasn't ready for this today. I just did one of those rub-your-eyes, look again, look down at the bottle of XXX, then throw the bottle away type things.

Eric Karros said... other words, Friday

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Jimbo S is no friend.
Do not trust him

Mr. Doctor said...

Hey Jimbo!

Way too many non-believers in here....

Wicks said...

Hey Jimbo!!!!!!

QuadSevens said...

Hey Jimbo!

Glad to be a part of the empire!

Erin said...

Well, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm thoroughly confused. And I guess if being a "non-Jimbo" costs me the championship today, well, so be it.

I really have always hated April Fools' Day.

Jason said...

This Jimbo misses Vma.

Fred's Brim said...

Hey Jimbo!

Hey Jimbo's, ever read The Sneetches and Other Stories? Because you better not have!