Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Puzzle Reminder - Tomorrow 7am!

Now that we have a specific puzzle schedule (listed halfway down sidebar->), it may be harder to remember when they occur. So I'm reminding you, Puzzle #2 is tomorrow, 7am. So no Berkowit28-style "I forgot to set my alarm clock and even when I did get up I didn't have a color printer" excuses.

See you tomorrow!


spank said...

Don't forget your pocket protectors,Mang.

Nostradamus said...

Sadly, I'll be in an all-morning meeting. Nerding up will have to wait until later.

ubragg said...

I'm at the Munich airport on a layover on the way home from a work trip - the 12 hour flight is boarding now, and leaves at 15 after the hour. It is going to take an easy puzzle and a miracle for me to get in before this evening...