Saturday, April 16, 2011


Coco Crisp on Thursday.

Fashion Ump: Coco Crisp brings back the Afro in Oakland (Big League Stew)

photo by Ben Margot/AP


Kyle Baker said...

I rock rough and stuff with my Afro Puffs!

Josh S. said...

I was very pleased to see that The Show features Jackie Robinson Day in season mode. Play the April 15th game and everyone wears #42. Even the announcers keep mentioning Jackie.

Orel said...

That is very cool, Josh.

Erin said...


Not because of his Afro.

Paul said...

Stop it Josh!!!

I don't have a playstation but the show sounds so cool you keep tempting me to buy one.

I hate that they don't have it for xbox.

Kyle Baker said...

Are you kidding, Josh?? That is one of coolest things I've ever heard.

Steve Sax said...

@Josh that is awesome

spank said...


Kyle Baker said...

Josh - What gaming system is that? PS3?

I'm just buzzed enough to purchase that when Mrs Dusty makes me go with her to buy an elliptical machine.