Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Dodger Stadium Readying for Post-Season Closeup

Thanks to Scott Killeen for the photos!


Anonymous said...

Interesting fact I heard today. When a team is in the Postseason, their stadium is basically taken over by MLB. MLB controls the stadium while any postseason games are played. Even Vin Scully is allowing TBS to use his broadcast both to call the games. Vin will sit with all other media type making the call on radio.

Steve Sax said...

If MLB makes Vin Scully relocate from the Vin Scully Press Box, it should lose its antitrust exemption right there.

Hideo Nomo said...

Shit, I knew I forgot to mention that in the recap. Jon Chapper said they're totally at the mercy of MLB for the postseason: start times, media clearances, etc. MLB runs the whole show.

spank said...

Will the MLB pay for my parking too?