Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wedding 1 Thread: Sept. 28, 6p

Stubbs (0-0, -.—ERA) and Karina (0-0, -.—ERA)


Many of you may already know that our very own SoSG brother Stubbs (née Mr. Customer) and one of our longtime, most loyal readers, Karina (Our Lady of Perpetual Optimism), are getting married. To each other! And today is their special day. The Sons are proud and honored to welcome Karina to the family, and full of pride for our dear brother Stubbs as he takes this great step in life.

It warms the heart of the SoSG family to know that this snark-filled pit of undying Dodger love, originally conceived as a way for a small group of friends located in different parts of the country to communicate about Dodger games and their shared love for the Boys in Blue, has now had the effect of actually bringing two real live people together in (mostly) holy matrimony. Even more amazing is that Karina hails from a country far, far away yet still found a way not only to follow her beloved Dodgers day or night, electrical grid blackout or no, while at the same time meeting her life match in Stubbs.

Orel, Sax, Delino, Nomo, AC, and I, together with our departed brethren EK, Lasorda, and Pedro Guerrero, and our millions of loyal readers, wish a lifetime of happiness to Karina and Stubbs (hopefully to include a World Series win!). May your lives forever be full of rancho ardiendos. Cheers, mazel tov, y feliz matrimonio!

Stubbs and Karina Pose for Their Wedding Photos

Note: Regrettably yours truly is ill, and unable to make the event. Rumor is that other Sons may, so hopefully we’ll here updates from them. Regardless, feel free to use this thread to leave your good wishes and/or snark for the happy couple!

"Priorities" - Stubbs


Hideo Nomo said...

I always (cries) at weddings!

Hideo Nomo said...

Love and hugs your way, brother and sister!

(That is going to be one drunken reception, though.)

Hideo Nomo said...

Not that they're already brother and sister. That would be weird.

But no weirder than clown porn.

Dusty Baker said...

Cartoon Bear from cartoon bear porn is the ring bearer, no?

Franklin Stubbs said...

I just expelled a small forest animal from one of my lungs.

Is that normal?

Dusty Baker said...

Completely normal. Also, as a reminder, you're getting married today.

Alex Cora said...

Congratulations Katrina and Stubbs. You guys going to have the game on in the background?

Pride of Dong said...

Just keep swinging!

Wait a second... Oh my god, don't swing, unless you're into that kinda thing....

I'll shut up now....

Hideo Nomo said...

Karina's first SoSG appearance?

Dusty Baker said...

My god, look at that lineup:

Rafael Furcal
Danys Baez
JD Drew
Jeff Kent
James Loney
Bill Mueller
Jason Repko
Dinner Navarro
David Ross

BJ Killeen said...

Congrats to the happy couple! I'm guessing the wedding theme colors are blue and white?!

Dusty Baker said...

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something Dodger Blue.

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Oh happy day!!! I can feel the love. I'm raising a Lagunitas IPA on your family's honor! Cheers!

rbnlaw said...

OK kids, I want a clean fight. Keep yer gloves up, and break it up when I tells ya to.
-Karina's dad, probably.

Love you, you 2 knuckleheads.

rbnlaw said...

With DBT and I both chiming in, and Sax and Orel expected at nuptial- side, Nomo somewhere near, we have most of the SOSG bloggerball team in for this.
Who bought the first pitcher?

Dusty Baker said...

The mercy rule may be invoked later then, DBT!

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Wait, who's envoking the mercy rule?

Hideo Nomo said...

Dusty was also sick during the tourney.


Dusty Baker said...


I had pneumonia then. I actually haven't had so much as a sniffle since then, until now.

Pride of Dong said...

Awkward moment when nomo is mistaken for Jon SooHoo...

Paul said...

So happy for the two of you and sooo sad I can't be there to celebrate. Son's birthday and all.

Fred's Brim said...

my cockles are very warm.
congratulations, you two!

karen said...


Much love to my little sistah and new bro-in-law! I wish you two all the love and happiness you deserve.

spank said...

I was going to give my rally thong as a wedding present but Karen hasn't returned it.

Cheers to Custarina!

Steve Sax said...

Home run just scored here!

Steve Sax said...

Orel and I in attendance. Way to go, guys!

spank said...

has Karina's dad put down the shotgun yet?

karen said...

@Spank...The shared use of the thong (and all that entails) is supposed to stay between us re things that go on behind closed doors and all that, uh..."stuff".

Dusty Baker said...

I hope Mr. F catches the bouquet.

Dusty Baker said...


Wait, I read that wrong at first.

Paul said...

FB some antibiotics will help.

Dusty Baker said...

WT Update Posted!

Fred's Brim said...

that may not be appropriate for this thread

Dusty Baker said...


Orel isn't here to edit, so anything goes!

Cliff Beefpile said...

Congratulations to the new couple! Health, happiness and World Series championships aplenty! Sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding itself, but I'm pet-sitting in Valley Village for the next few days.

karen said...

I can't seem to wipe this silly smile off of my face! I am so very happy for two of our own to have found each other in this big ol' world. At the risk of repeating myself, lots and lots of love to you both and may some of your good juju benefit our boys in blue come October.

Dusty Baker said...

Hear what Karen said? The pressure is ON you two lovebirds to deliver a WS championship.


Pride of Dong said...

If it worked for Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon...

spank said... bad,Karen. i was drunk when i wrote that. still am.


spank said...

shit. i mean * * not #. fuck it. i needs a dirty old stray mutt to cuddle with...or Neeeb's mom.

Orel said...

Appropriate that my first taste of Ardbeg was in toasting Stubbs & Karina? I think so.

Steve Sax said...

Mine too. Thanks for the Ardbeg tonight, you crazy marrying kids!

Dusty Baker said...


Johnny Blanchard said...

Wow, what great news! Way to go SOSG, the Love Dodger Blog!

Did softball help this along?????

ubragg said...

Wow, congrats Stubbs and Karina!