Thursday, September 19, 2013

Post-Game 153 Thread: We Are The (NL West) Champions!


Last place on July 1.

First team to clinch.

'Nuff said.

Image vis Dodgers on Facebook


Dusty Baker said...

So proud of you, Boys! Hearts of champions, battling back from the bottom starting July 1. Still a long way to go, but for today we celebrate!

Hideo Nomo said...

I hope they're pissing in that pool. If they don't like it, there's a pool up in Oakland Co Coliseum they can go jump in.

Dusty Baker said...

I hope they're running near the pool and diving into the shallow end, too, just to spite the shitheel Dbags front office.

Cliff Beefpile said...


Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Anyone else notice we clinched with our 88th win of the season. 88!!!!

Dusty Baker said...

I think Nomo (or someone) noted it in the GT. But yeah, 88.

Dusty Baker said...

Screw getting work done on this plane trip. #MoreScotch #Campiones

Dusty Baker said...

I love the spin coming out...Dodgers honored Dbags request and didn't over-celebrate on the field. Instead, we celebrated off the field - in their pool.

I sure hope someone left a Baby Ruth in the pool.

Paul said...

I hope Bellisario didn't get wet and multiply.

Dusty Baker said...

I'm pretty the Founding Sons never expected to see a Belli/Gremlins reference when they started this esteemed blog. Nice!

Fred's Brim said...


Fred's Brim said...

I want to pour champagne over you motherfuckers!

Dusty Baker said...

I want Neeebs' mom to lick champagne off Spanky's nipples.

Fred's Brim said...


Hideo Nomo said...

Heh. Gremlins references are always appreciated at this blog.

rbnlaw said...

Stay classy, Arizona Sandy Vaginas. Now go clean that pool and water the fucking grass.
You live in a god-forsaken desert, morons.

Paul said...

To quote my son, " I'm so happy !!!"

BJ Killeen said...

Pee in the pool. Hahahaha. We be #1 bitches!

karen said...

I wanted so badly for our boys to go out on the field with the couple hundred Dodgers fans who made the road trip. But being the classy winners we are I was thrilled that the lads took a dip in that damn stinking pool. I can only hope each one of them took a good long piss in it.

Tell us not to celebrate in your house?? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to shitbags??

Steve Sax said...

I've got nothing against the diamondbacks asking us to not do the platform and celebration on the field after the game.

I also don't see anything wrong with the ebullience pouring over into a streak into the pool, well after the crowd has left the stadium. I'm good with that.