Zack Greinke (14-3, 2.79) vs. Matt Cain (8-9, 4.37).
Uh oh, it's Magic! Not just regarding the bobblehead giveaway tonight, but the fact that our magic number got stuck on six last night. No worries, as the Diamondbacks sit idle tonight, we can see if Greinke can continue to walk on water (not just in a swimming pool, either), and extend his streak of eight straight starts with six innings or more or work, and two or fewer ER yielded.Cain? Not only is he off to his worst ERA+ year ever (currently 77, over 40 points under his career average and his first sub-100 season), but he's looking to reprise his last outing against the Dodgers, a 10-2 loss on July 5 in which Cain lasted only 2.1 IP and gave up 8 ER. If Cain works really hard tonight, I think he can surpass 8 ER. Let's help him out, shall we? Abracadabra!
Ric Ocasek totally stole Neeebs haircut back in the day. The lawsuit was dismissed by a Judge who owned a car. Totally a conflict of interest in my legal opinion.
Stole his hair, too.
Puig RF
Crawford LF
Ramirez SS
Gonzalez 1B
Ethier CF
Uribe 3B
Ajellis C
Mellis 2B
Greinke P
I want a sweep!
And a pony!!
I want a beer!
I wanna rock!
I want you to want me.
@Gnomes...This line-up much more to my liking.
Gnomes- 4:11pm
Laugh it up, Funny boy!
It was actually Benjamin Orr who stole it.
Happened when The Cars opened for the Flaming Menudos and Benjamin slipped me a mickey.
Ric Ocasek is one funny-lookin' dude.
What's up with Donnie's recent penchant for an Ellis family reunion?
Gonna be hard for me to weigh in tonight.
But I'm gonna be with Orel for some of it, so we will see...
Fuck the jints!
Is there anything in particular we need to keep doing in order to win?
Cain is really just a thinner John Goodman. He looks like he has no eyebrows, though.
Gotta keep itching?
Gotta keep pitching?
Gotta keep pinching?
Nice throw, Cain! Blahahahahaha!
That slide by Uribe though...oy.
Remember, Rik married a supermodel Paulina P!
These guys won a World Series? I call bullshit.
I'm more interested in who's gonna drive home the runs...tonight.
Puig's AB looked more professional than CC's did.
Pagan grew up in a bad neighborhood where there wasn't always food to eat?
The important part of this story is that the fuckhead grew up to be a giant. Not feeling so bad anymore.
Can't wait till tomorrow. I get to come home and be on true Dodgers time!
Wooot! It's official, I'm goin' to the game tomorrow night! And on the field level for the first time in a couple of seasons. Suck it, plebs!
Some Sons may be in the Yard tomorrow night, too.
Cracking me up, Karen. Clearly feeling the hateHateHATE.
@Dusty, I'll gladly stop by and say hi! Might have to wear the SoSG shirt, too.
Regrettably I will not be one of the Sons who will be there.
cc: Gnomes, Sax
What the hell???
What the hell!?
I missed the last several minutes. Hanley and Paco hurt? WTF??
OK, Paco explained. Now what's up with Hanley?
Nice double play! OK, I feel better knowing Paco's not hurt.
interesting double play
This battle with a last place team is starting to annoy me. Fuck score some runs.
Is Hanley still feeling the foot that got crunched by that foul ball the other night?
Fuck these home doldrums. They are so frustrating. It'll probably take going to Arizona to get out of them, just to go to SD
O'Parra would have caught that
why not dive for that? it's not like it's going to skip by you to the wall. Or that AJ is fast
Dee didn't get caught stealing! Huzzah!
Dee way safe on the steal!
This is my first time seeing the Silverado above the bullpen. Fuck that shit with a rusty corkscrew!
Wow! What a play by Cain.
Cmon, Jerry, get him home
When's the last time Hairston did something useful?
FUCK, Jerry! that was awful
@Gnomes there are Silverados over both bullpens
the first hard-hit ball all night
heh batflip
Brian McCann wouldn't have like that
Crawford aka strikey mcgroundout.
That Silverado over the home bullpen is sacrilege.
when was the last time Crawford hit the ball hard?
I am not sure how he's hitting .280-something. I don't remember him ever getting a hit
When he was a Ray.
Dodger stadium had a fake beach in the upper reserve at one point. The stadium can survive a truck.
I thought the truck was over the visitor's bullpen. Or am I dyslexic?
cripes, this ump
hehe good point, Paul
@Cliffy - there are trucks over both
I am waiting for some drunkard to kick the blocks out from the tires and push it into the visitor's bullpen
cmon, Chris, stay tough
throw strikes
Can I bring an ice chest and drink beers in the bed of that truck?
I'll be there tomorrow night, but in the Reserve. Maybe Sax will be drink enough to push the truck.
Or, drunk enough.
I forgot how much I hate Pagan.
So long as it falls on Romo.
Triple play time.
of course
the 30 minute inning. Paco, then Beli to face Pubes. Paco will get Belt but Pubes will hit a double
off Beli to score 2
christ, why am I so negative about this team right now? what's wrong with me?
or Sandwich
I am just that drunkard. Consider it done.
Hard to fight your nature, FB.
Beli coming in. Your negativity is justified.
Oh fuck no.
Not Belisario.
Cmon, Beli, get narsty!
are you kidding me?
I love how Uribe caught it to the side so he'd be lined up for the throw
@Dodgers: Hanley Ramirez left the game for precautionary reasons with mild left hamstring tightness. #Dodgers
Goddamn hamstrings this season, I swear!
grrr our fucking hamstrings the past few years #checkSuesCredentials
maybe it's our strength coach
or just bad luck
where does Dusty stand on the name "Javi"? Does that fall into the "ie/y" name category, like "Juany" or "Donnie"?
way to work that count, AG
i suppose Javi is just a normal nickname
that's OK, Dre, that was a good AB. Remember that for tomorrow
this is working into a very long 2-1 game
Kenley Time!
Cmon, Kenley, finish this off!
cmon, KJ
Kenley has given up a couple of hits lately
yeesh, cmon guys, tighten it up
Goddammit, FedEx!
You can't hit for shit, you need to be decent backstop!
Cmon, Fed, cut the shit!
That was a strike two innings ago, ump!
call that, blue!
son of a bitch
Kenley hasn't been himself lately
nobody in our bullpen has
except League
I am going to bed. I don't have extras in me, and I don't want to watch us lose it here.
I hope you guys are tougher than me
Gnite all
Phew! Good thing they got Blanco out.
Shoulda called up more relievers for Sept. and given the key guys a couple weeks rest.
Fed, Mellis, Schumaker. Yeah, we're going to extras.
Scratch that, Michael Young. Well, that's WAY better.
Come on, Puig. Become a Dodger legend by beating the jints.
Send everybody home, Yas.
Wilson pitching against these assholes is just freaking me out, man.
Perfect time to stop sucking, Carl.
That'll do.
That shouldn't even count, Carl.
That's game. Magic number: 5
Well, that didn't suck.
This win was just what I needed.
AGon shouted "FUCK YOU" at the Giants dugout after the hit. LOVE. IT.
The vagiants post game show, fuck living in Fresno, has the commentators complaining about the bat flip, because, I shit you not, he could end up hitting a teammate...
Post-Game Thread UP!
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