Somehow, the "last eight" letters of each sentence need to be converted into the name of a Dodger, using ASCII encoding. If you (correctly) looked up an ASCII table at this point (and followed the clues from the puzzle title, Hint# 3, and Hint #5), you might recall that alphanumeric characters are encoded in binary on 8 bits. 8 letters, 8 bits...
Now all that remains is to distill those letters into binary somehow! Noting the pattern of letters for each (vowels=0, consonants=1), your results should have been thus:
AWAITING = 01001011 = K
ITCANSAY = 01101100 = l
INQUEUES = 01100001 = a
ARTISTRY = 01101110 = n
ETHIOPIA = 01100100 = d
ENFLEECE = 01110010 = r
ACHEIVED = 01100101 = e
AFREEOUT = 01100001 = a
INSPIRED = 01110101 = u
IGHTSEYE = 01111000 = x
Ken Landreaux!
Congratulations to ubragg, BCCSweet, and Golem for correct solutions! Next puzzle, Thursday, July 19, 7:00am.
Y is a vowel!? Dammit! I used a 1 for Y and got "Kmaodreauz". Rearranged you get "Kuroda meaz".
Nice puzzle.
Ten points, ten points, ten points!
OUCH, So close! Unfortunately, there is no "Sometimes Y" in binary. All the instances of Y used were vowels, by design.
This puzzle is the height of geekdom. Well played people.
You ain't seen nothin' yet, brother Neeebs.
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