Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dodgers Wooing Trek Crowd

Star Trek Night at Dodger Stadium (Friday, August 3)


MR.F said...

First Star Wars night, now Star Trek night!

I hope they'll do a Game of Thrones night!

Franklin Stubbs said...

I would have lost my bet that Neeebs would be the first comment in this thread.

Fred's Brim said...

dammit, Dempster is back on the radar again

Fred's Brim said...

I don't know much about Star Trek (sorry Neeebs). Is there a significance to the shirt being #12?

Franklin Stubbs said...

I presume the 12 is for the year.

Orel said...

Or the number of Tribbles required for a quorum in order to create trouble.

Hideo Nomo said...

It's also the number of Star Trek films, either released or in production, but I doubt that's why.


Franklin Stubbs said...

It's only 12 if you count "Nemesis", which is a film, but only in the strictly literal sense.

Fred's Brim said...

@Stubbsy - that makes sense. My brain no worky

Franklin Stubbs said...

"Riker 1" might have been amusing, but the original series must take precedence.

Hideo Nomo said...

@Stubbs, 1:33:

I'm buying you a beer for that, next time I see you. HATE that movie so hard.

Hideo Nomo said...

@Stubbs, 1:39:


The night will celebrate the Blu-ray debut of popular sci-fi favorite STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION – SEASON ONE.

Franklin Stubbs said...

For good reason, Gnomes! That thing was gawd-awful.

As for the TNG tie-in, I suspect that is more for the convenience of scheduling than an explicit acknowledgement of hierarchy.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Just got into the office.

I need to be at that game.

It would only be...logical!

Perhaps they will be serving Tranya.

Hideo Nomo said...

I hope you relish it as much as I.

Neeebs (The Original) said...


Now before I bring back the Fasarius, let me show you my vessel."

Dusty Baker said...

This is real? I am so fucking on this.

Next Generation on Blu-Ray? HELLS YEAH! I guess their advertising worked because I didn't know this before now.