Friday, March 22, 2013

We've Got the Biggest Balls of Them All!

Image courtesy of the Los Angeles Dodgers


Dusty Baker said...

ps-Blogger for iPad can eat a dick!

spank said...

are those Dodger "blue" balls? thank you,Cleveland!!

Paul said...

Uribe would still swing and miss at those.

Steve Sax said...

Dodgers lose 6-5, when Josh Wall gives up three runs to the Reds in the top of the ninth.

I need to get away, boys.

Steve Sax said...

@Paul 2:34p: Uribe would eat a couple of those.

Fred's Brim said...

Some balls are held for charity, some for fancy dress

spank said...

i'm holding mine for pleasure, i think i needs to let them rest