- Within the circle, each player has one Kill Target, and one Stalker.
- Your objective is to eliminate your Kill Target while avoiding elimination byyour Stalker.
- If you eliminate your Target, you advance to the next round, and are credited with 1 "Kill"
- New for 2012: In each subsequent round, the circle will be re-sorted based on the reverse of the previous round's comment order ("live" shots only, the initiator comment and any secondary comments are not counted for sorting), so be aware of who you are shooting at/shielding, as they will be shooting at you in the next round.
- Starting Friday and on each subsequent weekday, an Assassins' Circle "Kill Thread" will be posted at 9:00am PT. That post will be in play until 3:00pm PT.
- You kill your target by making a comment in the Kill Thread immediately following the comment of your target. If there are any 'live' comments (defined 2 bullets below) in between yours and that of your Target, no kill has taken place.
- In a given round, each player can eliminate only his/her target and can thus make at most one kill per round.
- With the exception of 'The Initiator' (explained below), only the first comment in a given day by a given player is a 'live' comment. All subsequent comments will be factored out of the game (ignored) when I tally up the bloodshed at the end of the day.
- Similarly, any comments made by those not playing, by those already eliminated, or those made after 3pm are not considered 'live' comments and also will be factored out. For clarification: 3:00pm comments are accepted. 3:01 is too late.
- The Dr. Geek Rule: No posting under usernames similar to your own to decoy your competitors.
- The "Faberuben" Rule: No making side-deals or alliances with your stalker/target such as agreeing not to kill them in return for a shield.
- Remaining competitors cannot delete their own comments. Incidentally, we can see who deleted their own comments, so we can still score correctly, but it adds administrative tedium.
- Any player who does not comment in the Kill Thread by 3:00pm PT is eliminated.
- Because the first comment in a given thread cannot kill anyone, and thus one would be sacrificing their ability to kill if they commented first, whoever comments first is given a 2nd comment he/she can use to kill his target. This person is dubbed 'The Initiator' for that round, and his 2nd comment is called his 'kill comment'.
- The Initiator himself cannot be killed via his 'kill comment'. In other words, The Initiator's Stalker kills him by commenting immediately following The Initiator's initial comment, not his subsequent kill comment.
- Even if The Initiator is killed in a given round, he still gets his kill comment for that round and can try to take his Kill Target down with him (presumably out of spite).
- The Initiator's kill comment can shield others, but it cannot shield The Initiator himself.
- A new Initiator is determined each round by whoever comments first.
- Throughout the rounds, players are eliminated either by being killed by their Stalkers, or by failing to comment by 3pm.
- In addition to tracking who is eliminated, we will also track how many kills each player makes.
- Kills are only awarded for explicit kills. If someone is eliminated because they failed to comment by 3pm, their Stalker is not awarded a kill.
- If the last round eliminates all but 1 player, the game ends and that last player is declared the winner.
- If the last round eliminates all but 2 players, the game ends. Of the two remaining players, the one who has made the most kills throughout the game will be declared the winner (if they're tied, well, we'll cross that bridge if we get to it). Thus, to win the game, you cannot just sit back and hope others are eliminated via the 3pm rule.
- If the last round eliminates all players, the last one to die in that round wins.
To illustrate, let's look at a few example scenarios with only 4 players.
Example 1:
Given this configuration, let's walk through the following sample Kill Thread:
- 9:30am - Player C comments - Because he commented first, C is The Initiator. He cannot kill anyone with this comment (as there is no preceding comment), but will has a 2nd comment (his 'kill comment') he can later use to kill his target.
- 1:00pm - D comments - This comment is harmless because it immediately follows C, and C is not D's target. And in fact, with his comment, D has just protected C from being eliminated that round.
- 2:15pm - B comments - This comment is also harmless because D is not B's target. B has just protected D from getting eliminated that round.
- 2:30pm - C comments - This comment is also harmless, and C has just protected B from getting eliminated that round.
- 3:00pm - B comments - Although B's comment immediately follows his target C, it is a harmless comment as well because it is B's 2nd comment, and only his 1st comment counts.
- 3:01pm - A comment - It is after 3pm, too late. A is eliminated, although nobody is credited with the kill.
- Result of Round: A is eliminated and removed from the circle, although nobody gets a kill. For the subsequent round, D's new target is B.
- 9:30am - A comments - A is now The Initiator. He gets a 2nd comment he can use to kill his target.
- 2:00pm - B comments - This comment is harmless because it immediately followed A, and A is not B's target.
- 2:15pm - A comments - A, who is The Initiator, uses his kill comment. It immediately follows his target B, so A has eliminated B. A is credited with a kill.
- 2:30pm - D comments - D's comment immediately follows his target A. However it is harmless because it was A's kill comment, not his initial comment, and The Initiator can only be killed through his initial comment.
- 3:30pm - C comments - Although C's comment immediately followed his target D, it came too late (after 3pm), and thus C is eliminated, although nobody is credited with a kill.
- Result of Round: B and C are eliminated. Only two players remain, A and D, and A had more kills (1) than D (0), and is thus declared the winner.
This will be your side conversation thread for the duration, as well.
Here is the current list of
- Jason
- Nomo
- Stubbs
- Spank
- Dusty
- QuadSevens
- Gagne's Lucky Glasses
- Steve Sax
- Eric Karros
- Paul
- Neeebs
- Rbnlaw
- Wicks
- MeanieBreanie
- Orel
- Fernie V
- Karina
- Mr. F
Please take note of bullet point 4. It's a slight rule tweak from last year.
I like that tweak you made there,Stubbsy.The victim becomes the victimizer.
Hear that, GLG! Fuck your goggles - who's lucky now?
(still cries)
DAMMIT! I can't play on day one, I'll be tastefully "sampling" at the Great American Beer Fest on Friday.
I need a fear inspiring avatar.
"Fear inspiring"? Does that make sense?
Whatever...avatar change coming soon.
Nekked Killer? I like that.
I believe the nekked kill is Spank's calling-card. He is stealthiest when he is greased up and flapping in the breeze.
I wish I could play this year, but I am very proud to have inspired an official rule
If Friday is a problem, pushing it to Monday might be feasible.
You forgot to explain the Assassin's Bar.
The most important part of the game, in my opinion.
@Jason: Get a smartphone and stop whining.
Or get somebody boozed up and steal theirs to use for the game.
Mmmmm! Booze!
Later it will be "Brains!"
I'm waiting for the day where nobody posts until 2:59
@Dusty: I got the lasik surgery so the googles are purely for aesthetic purposes only
Gagne's Lucky Glasses was on the juice when he took me out.
Yo holmes sell your old clamshell phone to Spanky and get a smartphone.
Time stamp
Bang! You dead.
Was that a proposition?!
Kool Aid already getting me into trouble with the top brass.
No, I mean a sexual proposition.
Well shit. Ain't I the belle of the ball.
Come on,DKA. This ain't eHarmony. Relax,kid.
Collaboration is not allowed under the rules, but there is no limitation on frottage.
Classic Stubbsy. LMAO!!
Stubbs, I appreciate the offer of a late start but I'm not the type to delay anyone's killKillKILL instinct. I'll have my smartphone and hope that cell reception amongst the drunks in Denver is better than a typical game at Dodger Stadium. Plus, I'll have beer. Lots and lots of beer.
Friday it is, then.
I can't wait for the 2:59 first day slaughter.
You'll need a note from your physician if you are not on drugs.
I might be addicted to coffee. Coffee is a drug right?
(hides cocaine)
*steals Quadley's cocaine*
*Investigates whether Roher is still making Qualudes*
What up! Count me in, I hope the rules haven't changed, you lost me at hello.
Do I have to kill with my clothes on?
MEMEMEMEME I almost missed this post!
Yes, procrastinators. You all can get in.
Fr the record, the examples don't play out right at the end due to the reversal
You are correct. Subsequent round orders would be altered.
But then again, I'm just making this shit up as I go along.
There's a lot of pent-up rage out there. Let's see who jumps.
We have initiation! Paging Mr. Karros. Mr. Eric Karros?
*sips coffee and waits*
*ducks into condemned hotel*
*fades into the shadows*
Hey Pauly! Looking for someone?
*checks his Glock*
*Heads down to the OC to pay a visit to RBN*
And we have our first block.
Uh-oh. Meeting time. Going dark.
*Runs for cover*
Your drinks at the Assassins' Bar are on me, DKA. I'll probably be joining you when Gnomes is along shortly.
DKA mad
DKA zombified
Well,kid,you've just been baptized. Welcome to SoSG.
Chances of dying increasing by the second.
DKA: Here is how it works...
As the first one killed, you get to open the Assasssin's (see what I did there)Bar and buy the first round for the other zombies who will stumble in.
Go on the actual thread and invite all those who will be tipping early today.
Never a better time to start.
Come out and plaaaay!
Only Paul, EK, and Sax are in the clear for Round 2 so far.
I'm definitely in the clear,tambien.
*roids up*
I shielded my own stalker when I didn't have to.
It's like biting the hand that feeds you, except totally the opposite.
I think more likely attempting to preserve their own skins.
If I die today, it will be with a notch in my gun and a smile on my face.
It's more like licking the hand that slaps you.
With the between round shuffling, it's somewhat of a moot point, EK.
You're only insuring that Saxy will be aiming for you again tomorrow.
Neeebs is close. I smell the old spice....
Yeah I'm just now getting my head around the sequence shuffling wrinkle.
By commenting after someone, not only are you taking a shot at them, you're also dubbing them your next-round assassin, implying you think they're weak.
I like it!
I think it will make the "3-o'clock-chicken" more of a gamble in the later rounds, as well, since the participants will naturally sort themselves for patience level.
Bring out your dead!
I feel happy!
KIA list: 2 and counting.
Smelling good.
I've scheduled the Sunshine Cleaning crew to come by at 3:15pm. That'll give us 15 minutes to count the bodies.
Just saw Neeebs 3 toy poodles. e, e, and E. He can't be far.
3 O'Clock Chicken, coming right up!
*rubs one out*
1 1/2 hours to go, and well over half the assassins are still off in the jungle playing Col. Kurtz.
Don't let the comment window close on y'all!
The first day always has a slightly higher 3pm attrition rate among the forgetful and those who try to cut it too fine.
Dusty, are you gonna let 7777 taunt you with his ass hanging out in the breeze like that?
Paul, Sax, EK, Spank (unless self-inflicted), and myself are through so far.
Hmmm...if I make it to the next round, Stubbs will be hunting me. I don't think I like that.
35 Minutes to go.
I have to believe that the only reason Dusty hasn't hacked me to pieces yet is because Spanky is patiently waiting for him.
Yep, and without any fear of reprisal. I'd be waiting for the deadline, too, in similar circumstances.
Either that or Dusty is passed out at his local cantina.
It can't be both?
Everyones being coy. come out of hiding,suckas!
Bring on the carnage!
I'm either going to kill Dusty or fuck someones shit up at 3pm
Or both. Cc:Stubbs
Sack up, people
Here it comes...
Q7 lives!
...as do Karina and Spank
Bodies dropping all around!
That is, by far, a new kill record.
I'm totally confused by the reverse order thing. Shouldn't the arrows be pointing the other way in today's diagram?
No, the remaining participants are what move. The shuffle is based on each day's comment order, not the original order. The person you commented behind on Friday moves ahead of you on the list and becomes your stalker on Monday, and so on down the line.
I could see this going four rounds, barring another massacre like Friday's.
Lucky me!
Could someone buy a brother a drink already?
*Taunts EK*
*Hands Dusty some Thunderbird in a brown sack*
Hey, open up the bar already!
The kill thread has me rolling!
I know Sax and Orel are lurking out there somewhere.
*zips up fly*
I see Orel isn't claiming the extra Cool-a-coo so for sure he's not around. I think he may have said he's on a plane right now, can't remember.
So...just thinking out loud here Quad...but without him around I guess Sax will have even less hesitation to pick you off than he normally would.
Am I safe to post in the KT?
Also: Mmmm, Cool-A-Coo.
Totally safe Orel, Stubs already used his kill-shot.
This is no time to hesitate. The Cool-a-coo is melting.
Now it's me versus the clock.
And the patience of Sax.
Can I interest anyone in a binder full of women?
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