Tuesday, October 09, 2012

LDS Game Thread: Bay Area On The Ropes

SF Ryan Vogelsong (14-9, 3.37) vs. CIN Homer Bailey (13-10, 3.68), 2.30p

DET Anibal Sanchez (9-13, 3.86) vs. OAK Brett Anderson (4-2, 2.57), 6p

At least the A's can say that they're at home. The Giants, who have been outscored 14-2, hope to sweep Cincinnati in three games in order to advance. It could happen, sure. Maybe not with Barry Zito slated to start Game 4, but stranger things have indeed happened in baseball, and Reds skipper Dusty Baker isn't known for closing opponents out. So we'll see.

As for me, sorry for putting this thread up early, but I'm swamped with some puzzles for the time being (email us if you want to contribute). Just like this guy (whose helmet is like five sizes too big):

More X-men coloring book goodness here, at io9


Franklin Stubbs said...

I'll be able to contribute, but my free time seems to have diminished for some reason...

Franklin Stubbs said...

Also: Fuck the Giants!

spank said...

Puzzles? We don't need no stinking puzzles.

Hideo Nomo said...

How did you get a pic of Ubragg wearing his "thinkin' bucket"?

Neeebs (The Original) said...


Dusty Baker said...

Ohhhhnyeahhhh!!!! Ready to watch these Chardonnay sipping ninnies go down in flames. Taunting my Giants-loving office mates relentlessly.

Feel the hateHateHATE brothers and sisters!

Dusty Baker said...

One hour until the destruction begins.

(Burns a mattress)

Franklin Stubbs said...

Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease may I dance on the Giant's playoff graves tonight?

spank said...


Franklin Stubbs said...


Hideo Nomo said...

@Dusty 1:11

Ohhhh...so THAT'S what CSN stands for!

Franklin Stubbs said...

I always thought it stood for the other thing...

Hideo Nomo said...

Go, Batman, Go!

spank said...

2 to 1 odds Kool Aid starts mainlining muffins by 5 o'clock PST.

Franklin Stubbs said...

1-0 good guys already!

spank said...

Batman had a no-hitter?

Franklin Stubbs said...

Who knew?

spank said...

Bruce Wayne is on fire

Hideo Nomo said...

I approve of Batman's Giant-plunking policy.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Hit him in his bug ass, Batman!

Franklin Stubbs said...

...but don't give the run back, please!

spank said...

Roiders tie it up.

Dusty Baker said...

Why is this mofo tied up and not to' up?

Franklin Stubbs said...

Why didn't someone just flip him on his back, for chrissake?!

Dusty Baker said...


spank said...

Orale Votto! Whatcha going to do,holmes?

spank said...

goddamn i hate Bochy with a passion.

Hideo Nomo said...

I'm saying "BOOOOOO" not "BRUUUUUUCE."

Hideo Nomo said...

Neither team doing much.

Franklin Stubbs said...

I'm with ya, DKA.

Franklin Stubbs said...

(especially when it's that or a Tony LaRussa dye-job atrocity)

spank said...


Dusty Baker said...

There's less scoring going on here than at SoSG Fest 2.

Franklin Stubbs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Franklin Stubbs said...

Vogelsong's out. Now for the gooey center that is the Giants' 'pen.

spank said...


Franklin Stubbs said...

The dessicated corpse of Scott Rolen singles, possible pending 2-out-madness for the Reds.

Franklin Stubbs said...


spank said...


Dusty Baker said...


spank said...

Let's get some runs up in dis bish goddammit

Dusty Baker said...

Jesus shit, man. Score some friggin runs already, Commies!

Dusty Baker said...

Bochum burning through relievers like Spanky through tall boys of Steel Reserve. If this goes extra innings, he's not going to have much left back in the pen besides some beard clippings and Timmeh.

Steve Sax said...

1-1 still, two out in the eighth (according to my delayed mlb.com feed).

sorry guys, i'm still doing puzzles.

and demagnitizing.

Dusty Baker said...

^ Bochy

Dusty Baker said...

Dusty (er, I) went to Chapman first, skipping Brox. Interesting.

spank said...

Sit down,motherfucker!!!


Steve Sax said...

the panda sits for out #3

spank said...

Let's go,Commies. All we need is one run.

Dusty Baker said...

Where did iPad get "Bochum" for "Bochy"? I sounded like some weird-ass term of affection for him. Bochums!

More like boat chum.

spank said...

Marla is living in Romo's beard.

spank said...

It's all up to Stubbs. 2 outs.

spank said...


Dusty Baker said...

SoSG Stubbs is having a better series than CIN's Stubbs.

spank said...

I'll be mainlining Steel Reserve if someone doesn't score soon.

Steve Sax said...

Brox for the 10th. Yikes.

spank said...

Good ol' Brox not getting 'er done.

Steve Sax said...

Brox lets himself get attacked by pubes off the bat

Steve Sax said...

Brox, next time you should try and trim pubes

spank said...

haha. fucking brox. you suck.

Steve Sax said...

nice to see Broxton's suckitude is consistent

Steve Sax said...

Broxton has given up twice as many hits in his extra inning (with still no out!) than the Giants had had ALL GAME LONG

Dusty Baker said...

Broxton. It had to be Broxton.

spank said...

Wild pitch? that was a passed ball. more like a missed ball.

spank said...


spank said...


Steve Sax said...

Giants take the lead, Broxton (and Rolen) suck

Steve Sax said...


spank said...

well that sucked. i'm outta here.

Steve Sax said...

Damn, Giants win. My headline unfortunately did not quite come true.

Steve Sax said...

Dusty (and Broxton) get no coffee tonight

Coffee is for CLOSERS

Dusty Baker said...

I am NOT drinking coffee tonight.

Dusty Baker said...

2-0 Oaktown late.

Dusty Baker said...

Too Shorts win! They trail Bailouts 2-1 in the series, with at least one more to play at home.

Hideo Nomo said...

Tomorrow I have to deal with the clash between my desire to see the Orioles win and my genuine affection for Kuroda.

Best outcome? He goes 7 scoreless followed by a bullpen meltdown.

Dusty Baker said...

I'm still struggling with wanting to see certain teams win but also wanting the TBS broadcasts extended so Big Bang Theory doesn't air on that channel.